Cockle Pickers
by Surreptitious 8 Replies latest social current
Cockle pickers? Wow, I bet you're excited to find out you're not the only one who does that!
Oh what a pity... I used to have such fun cocle picking at Shewsbury...
Never count your cockles before they're picked.
Have you ever been trapped on a mud flap
The group of cockle hunters set out to go cockling at about 1500 GMT on Thursday, but the tide came in and they became trapped on mud flaps about two miles from shore.
Gawd. That is the toughest post to read.
First I had to load some chinese translation software to read the link. Then I had to search for what the hell a cockle was. Now I have to look up mud flaps.
That is a tragedy though.
It's to do with exploited illegal immigrants apparently
A real tragedy.
Morcambe sands are lethal, the sea round there goes out for miles and comes in suddenly *much* faster than you can run. Scary.
It's no wonder they got trapped out there...who has a watch with GMT on it.
Amazing I was talking about this on chat a few minutes ago. I thought how awful to die doing a job that you hoped would give you a better future. I think those workers were probably under some indentured service to cockle sellers. No, really.