I was talking to a longtime elder a few years ago about people who "leave the Truth" and he said something that, to this day, I must agree with. He said,
"There are two types of people who get in trouble in the organization: people who are really smart, and people who are really dumb."
At the time I took exception to the first part of that assesment -- how could anyone be "too smart" for the organization? But, I see what he's saying, now. People who see through the Society's teachings and question it are "too smart" for the organization, and people who leave to persue "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll" are "too dumb" for the dubs. The Witnesses need passive obedience from people who won't question anything (hence not "too smart") and yet are "up to date" on everything the Society tells them (hence, not "too dumb"). Pity.
It reminds me of lyrics from a John Lennon song, "Working Class Hero" :
"They hate you at home and they hate you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool...
Till you're so f*ck*ng crazy you can't follow their rules...
A working class hero is something to be."