If CSA is regularly reported to the authorities, they investigate, and several things become unavoidable…
…a pattern of past abuse comes to light, a pattern of covering it up becomes apparent, the sheer scope of of the problem is exposed, and it all becomes a matter of Public Record, which makes it way harder to dismiss as “apostate lies”.
As a result, It becomes more and more difficult to avoid the conclusion that the Org has not dealt with the problem properly, and that their “Bible-based” policies are, in fact, making matters worse rather than better, and most seriously, that they know this and still won’t change.
And this cannot help but severely undermine the fiction of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” (particularly in the eyes of the rank-and-file if the previously-mentioned Public Record becomes too big too ignore or explain away), which, from the leadership’s POV, simply cannot be allowed to happen.