by biblexaminer 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • biblexaminer

    Well. The District convention is 2/3 done. Would have been better to have stayed home and pulled out my fingernails. They spouted the usual crap, using the inter-organizational social pressures to push the R&F to do more, do more, do more.

    They warned about PORNOGRAPHY. Seems the little Dubbies, specially the elders and MS, can’t stop looking at iNet porno. (The CO warned us about this in a closed meeting a while back.) The ability to restrain oneself from this should come from within. But the WTBTS doesn’t foster that. So there’s no restraint on a dub when there’s nobody around. SO they fixed that. They told all the wives that the “brothers” who are doing the peek-a-boob, are on “late at night or early in the morning”. Now the wives will be doing the watching for the big “O” and keeping the “brothers” pure as the driven snow.

    Too bad it’s still an outside force, and not the inner self of the man, controlling him. I guess the big “S” wins another one with his “God’s Org” –Godhead.

    They also made a big deal about APOSTATES. OoooooHH.. Don’t listen to them tharr apostaties doods. Like we didn’t know that was coming.

    Lot’s and lot’s of social pressure to CONFORM to the WTBTS dicta. Lot’s of scripture twisting too, like usual.

    I counted 18 times in the one day when a speaker used a scripture that is used over and over and over and made a statement to the effect of “a verse we all know well” or you will recall this verse” etc. They use the same stuff over and over, so damned often. Why not, I guess. Their agenda doesn’t change, why should their methods. A while ago, the Society told us not to use phrases such as these in our teaching parts. Guess some "bro's" can't stop. Probably they feel embarassed at the continual overuse of only certain verses and try to soften their guilt with these phrases.

    So much using of verses out of context, to twist the entire meaning. They only read the few words that they want, and then put them in a completely different context.

    Made me sick too, when they talked about the clergy, who do put emphasis on their traditions, yet they do no less.


    Their was one encouragement though! About 300 were baptized. Why is this encouraging? Cause I know that at least as many in that audience will quit the damned org this year, so I was looking at folks and guessing who’s next to go out the revolving Watchtower door.

  • Stephanus
    They warned about PORNOGRAPHY. Seems the little Dubbies, specially the elders and MS, can’t stop looking at iNet porno. (The CO warned us about this in a closed meeting a while back.) The ability to restrain oneself from this should come from within. But the WTBTS doesn’t foster that. So there’s no restraint on a dub when there’s nobody around. SO they fixed that. They told all the wives that the “brothers” who are doing the peek-a-boob, are on “late at night or early in the morning”. Now the wives will be doing the watching for the big “O” and keeping the “brothers” pure as the driven snow.

    Interesting development, but entirely predictable, given that strange sentence in a WT sometime last year about how elders shouldn't have to check the brothers' computers for "unprofitable" material (can anyone give us the quote?). It seems that the crackdown is beginning. I wonder how effective this using wives to dob on husbands will be; it may have worked in the early seventies when the loyal sisters were coming clean on the evils their husbands made them perform like oral sex, but are the sisters of today that silly? Is the org now overestimating the hold it has over the women? The next few years will be interesting, to say the least, as this drama unfolds as to who has the right to the info on an individual's hard-drive - the individual, or "Gods Org" (tm)?

  • esther

    Wow, Stephanus

    They told all the wives that the “brothers” who are doing the peek-a-boob, are on “late at night or early in the morning”. Now the wives will be doing the watching for the big “O” and keeping the “brothers” pure as the driven snow.

    You mean the wives aren't in subjection to their husbands anymore, but maybe the other way round?


  • Farkel

    It's obvious Jaracz is still firmly in charge and keeping the hard-line.

    : About 300 were baptized.

    Indeed? That goes to show that the WT recuiting policy is and was based upon P.T. Barnum's notable observation: "There's a sucker born every minute."

    How big was the assembly attendance-wise, btw?


  • BoozeRunner

    They told all the wives that the "brothers" who are doing the peek-a-boob, are on late at night or early in the morning. Now the wives will be doing the watching for the big "O" and keeping the "brothers" pure as the driven snow.

    ala comedian Chris Rock:
    "Your woman will do any freaky or nasty thing you want, if you ask with authority" LoL

    The WTS better make sure the wives dont start making unrealistic demands of their hubbies based upon their Net-Porn viewing. LoL

    BTW.....ANY JW brethren who want porn, forget the NET crap, and visit my "GENTLEMENS CLUB" (the term Gentlemen is used rather loosely) and get your porn LIVE!!!

    LMAO, Boozy

  • BoozeRunner

    one more thing....
    How does the WTS know what goes on behind closed doors...or is this a BETHELITE thing?


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