Family Secrets Documentary Info. Update

by morrisamb 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    I had an excellent meeting with the documentary director, publicist and PR expert in Toronto Sat. They are sensational. Maurice spent all day yesterday (and finished up this morning) revamping my web site with the Family Secrets: When Nobody's Looking episode info (see below)... Now we know the exact time: W Network : 10:30 pm, Monday night, April 12 Check out these links: that's the new front page.. that's a brand new page - it can be gotten to by clicking on the Family Secrets logo on the front page or the pink link that says click here for more info. the in the works page...which if they click on the pink link here they once again go to the new Family Secrets page..

  • Mulan

    It doesn't look we get that network. Damn.

  • morrisamb

    Hi Mulan..if someone has satilite in the US, are they able to receive Canadian channels?

    Or perhaps if someone in Canada could make a copy and streamline it, like they did with the Dateline NBC episode...I am internet illiterate and wouldn't know how to do any of this!

    Thanks for your interest!

  • morrisamb

    I forgot to mention that the creator of the series told me it was also sold to Israel! So can you believe Israeli TV will be seeing the episode on my story!

  • codeblue

    Very interesting! I live in the US and have satellite but I can't get Canadian stations. I would like to watch this, wondering if a computer savvy Canadian can help us out?


  • morrisamb

    Coldblue, thanks for asking that...I'm sure there must be!

  • morrisamb

    Does anyone know how to streamline the documentary when it airs on the tv on April 12 for those who can't see it on tv? I know it was done with the Fifth Estate show that was shown across Canada last year.

  • talesin

    It's noted in my daybook - I don't have cable, but can have a friend tape it.

    btw, congrats on your book! It's available at our local library and I've put a 'reserve' on it. Good for you, it musta took a lot of guts (as well as the usual WORK of writing et al).

    peace, love & happiness


  • morrisamb

    talesin, that's good to, all the way in Nova Scotia! Thanks for your comments...I'd love to hear what you think of it, after you've read it!

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