Boasts and Threats Followed by What?

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I'm really interested to see what happens next after the Watchtower Society collectively tires of issuing threats

    ("Apostates!") or bragging about how wonderful they are. Given their darkened and neuron-deprived mentality,

    it may take awhile, but eventually they'll get there. Beating a dead horse can make anybody tired.

    There may be moments in which they actually get sullen and mean about the malaise in congregations. I might put

    the comment at the Annual Meeting about Witnesses not being on the watch anymore in this category.

    It'll be interesting to watch. What do you say after warning that 'apostates are infiltrating the congregations'?

    Boo Hoo, they've won??? Satan was right all along?


  • dannyboy

    Well, they could always "Declare Victory" and move on to the next prophetic date (2034)? LOL.

    Been re-reading Crisis of Conscience lately, your remarks made me think of the all the times they've had to cover-up missed dates, changes, etc. Seems like they always handle it in a way that most of the "flock" doesn't see as a problem.

    This was all before the Internet, however. I wish I had more of a "connection" these days into the local congregations, just wondering the degree to which the "rank and file" are aware of the numbers of us who have left and who aren't looking back........



  • minimus

    Actually, I could see them stressing LOVE. When Book Studies were about Jesus or simpler things like happiness----they were always well attended. Imagine if they became less judgmental and more "Christlike". If they play nice, they might even get some mo' money.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    They never get tired of talking about how wonderful they are, how wonderful the spiritual paradise is, how rotten everyone else is.

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