Hi all,
Haven't been posting much due to busy schedule with school and work. But glad to know y'all are here. I am in my last semester of college, YAY. I graduate in May. Just got a few more hurdles to cross and I'll be there. Still battling my nerves and OCD but taking it one day at a time.
On hypocrisy. I saw 60 minutes this Sunday with the story on Evangelical Christians and their fervent believe in the rapture. The story said 70 million people in the US believe they are Evangelical Christians, born again, just waiting for the rapture. Always makes me mad to hear claims and numbers like that. If there are 70 million Christians (footstep followers of Christ) in this country, why are there any homeless people or children going to bed hungry tonight. Hypocrites!!! I despise them.
Which brings me to another point. Every time I examine why I left the witnesses, it comes back to the same thing, hypocrisy. I saw it at Bethel, as I grew up I saw it in the congregations I was in. In my opinion truth and love do not harbor hypocrisy, so I left.
Love you guys