If the Watchtower speaks for Jehovah, and Jehovah' s Witnesses must accept what the Watchtower says, why has God changed his mind so many times about medical treatment? Here is the historical timeline: http://ajwrb.org/the-historical-persp…/blood-policy-timeline
Medical Treatment for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Lee Elder 4 Replies latest watchtower medical
neat blue dog
neat blue dog
I made a working link, but every time I refresh the page it's dead again. Oh well, hopefully people know how to copy/paste.
Lee Elder
That must be some kind of bug with this website.
neat blue dog
Anyways thats a very handy timeline, putting it all in perspective, not as progressive revelations from God, but as the internal politics of a mixture of multiple deluded and/or business-minded men.