Sorry, it got alittle long winded......
My daughter was finally served custody papers tonight to appear in court tomorrow at 11:30. It's been a long few days for me. Daughter finding a lawyer and all to defend herself against a total weasal. I have been on her for a year and a half now to get something in writing for custody of her daughter. It has all been verbal till now. They split her care 4 days on 3 days off. Things were fairly good till his new wife came into the picture. She is a real work of art and has turned the weasal into super weasal.
S%$t hit the fan when my daughter filed her taxes and claimed her daughter the first time in 5 years as agreed, it was denied because he had already claimed her. He lied to her a week about getting it cleared up but he already had money in hand. Then he said he took the money and was filing for custody of thier daughter. I totally dispise (sp) this guy, always have and he's earned every bit of it. He told her Thrusday she would get the papers and Wed. is the court date. He states the kid lives with him and he is the supporter. He is the kind that finally gets up rent money to move somewhere and when the first and last months rent is gone he gets evicted. It's a pattern. Does'nt keep a job with temp services cause when his 90 days is up they get rid of him. Can't go for a real job because he can't pass the pee tests he's addicted to pain killers. Got kicked out didn't tell my daughter and was living in the motel again.
Anyway, cops come to the door and say "you don't have to take this paper because it's not signed by a judge". The cop said "this isn't official business, I'm not really here!" Him and wifey are in the car grinning ear to ear. My daughter said "I'll take it, we'll be in court tomorrow". The weasal doesn't have a clue it's a useless piece of paper. He has done nothing but lie on the paper, his address (his mom's) we have a police report that proves he is living at the motel. Jenny has all the papers for Dr. visits etc. and she has all the proof she has paid her insurance for the past year and a half since she left him. She's not going to be nice now. It will be thrown out no doubt (I hope) and he will have to refile in the right county (with a judges signiture). The lawyer will be waiting and will be there much faster then the weasal. That's why I say the Gods must be smiling on us.
For those who pray please send alittle one up for her tomorrow, she's not perfect but is by far the better and more stable parent. For those who don't maybe some good thoughts and energy.
Thanks for getting this far if you did. I didn't proof read.