You know, the one where Brandon Fraser grows up in a bomb shelter and finally comes out after so many years to a world totally new to him (like some modern day Rip Van Winkle)? That is how I feel right now except I simply got out of a religion...
I am not totally clueless; I fortunately was allowed to do most of the normal things that kids do while growing up (play videogames, watch all the tv shows I wanted [including Smurfs] & listen to the music I liked) so I am not a total square. However, I am 24 next month and yet I am out of 'friends' & relatives to hang out with (they ditched when I DA'ed) and I have only made two true friends outside of meetings/school/work in my whole life. I hate dancing (something always feels uncomfortable about it) so clubs are out for me...I can definitely drink with the best of them but I can't see what else is fun about the bar what is there for people like me to do? What is even worse is that I have absolutely no 'social' skills in so far as starting conversations with people I don't know (unless I am supposed to peddle some magazines...then I am a master!)...that isn't something that someone at my age should be going through and it is even more painful because I am aware of that.
Don't get me wrong (to those who are lurking), I wouldn't go back to being a Witness for anything. I have peace of mind now that I have never had...I don't worry about 'worldly' people anymore or about so many dear friends & relatives who aren't Witnesses dying in some horrible 'great tribulation'. Plus, I have so much more freedom exploring my is just that now I feel really deserted right now and I have no idea not only how to find new friends but I have no idea how to have fun. Hell, I am even clueless on how to get a girlfriend...but that can actually wait. Right now, I just see a need to build up a social life and I am so frustrated because I don't know how...anyone here who went through something even close to this? I doubt that someone might be able to relate but you never know.