Class essay need your insight

by Rachel04 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rachel04

    hello everyone,

    to start off with i am not a jehovah's witness but have come across this website through research on my essay, the reason why i ask for your information is that i have been given an essay based on a case study. I am a student nurse and need some help in getting the right information or at least knowing where to get that information from. to make this easier to understand i will show the case study that i have to base my essay on:

    A 24 year old female has been admitted on to your ward with a fractured femur. following a road trafffic accident. when the patients haemoglobin level is discovered to be low it is decised to precribe a blood transfusion. dispite the risk of a low Hb being explained to the patient she emphatically refuses to give her consent for this treatment as she is Jehovah's witness

    this is not a real case study but using this example what would be the patient's alternatives if any and what would be the proper procedure. any information would be usful and thanks for your time to read this

    your greatfully


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Rachel, click on this URL to the forum's "blood" topics....there should be PLENTY of info there to gather data for your essay...

    Welcome to JWD! (and good luck on your essay)

    Frannie B

  • Celia

    Go there : Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    You will not get objective information for your case study here.

    In all fairness, due to the fact that the person in question might be a sincere JW, please try to get info from a pro-JW website.


  • Gadget

    You won't get objective information in this site for your case study.

    Did you read the link I posted? That was advice from medical personell on what treatment might be appropriate for an active jw. Can't get more objective than that.

    The situation with jw;s reminds me of the communist countries behind the old iron curtain. Their own publicity was saying about how great everything was, and yet anybody else looking in could see the true picture of how bad things were. Who would ou approach for an objective veiwpoint, someone in the country who had only seen that and knew only what they had been told by the government about how good things were and how bad they were elsewhere, or somebody looking in from the outside with something to compare it to.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    Wait a minute. Didn't you post this exact same question on another thread under another account just a few months ago? I seem to remember this exact same question, i.e. student looking for blood information, and exact same scenario.

  • Scully

    Doubtfully Yours writes:

    You will not get objective information for your case study here.

    In all fairness, due to the fact that the person in question might be a sincere JW, please try to get info from a pro-JW website.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, DY, but even though most of us vehemently disagree with the JW's position on the medical use of blood, I daresay that ALL of us respect the right of individual JWs to make decisions - albeit misguided ones - for themselves within the framework of their belief system. Many JWs are simply NOT aware of all the options available to them in a medical emergency, when time is of the essence. And when time is an important factor, it isn't always possible to conference with the Hospital Liaison Committees when a person's life is on the line. A lot of us here have researched all the options, and some of us have medical knowledge that we are willing to share. If you think this is not a good place for Rachel04 to get answers, please link her to an appropriate "pro-JW" site instead of putting up a passive-aggressive slam against the people who post here. FYI, an assignment of this nature is more than likely designed as a critical thinking and ethical decision-making exercise, not a "convince the JW that she's wrong about her beliefs" assignment. Love, Scully RN

  • jgnat

    Doubtfully Yours, I take offence to your statement. I do try and provide a balanced view when it comes to medical ethics. Here is an interesting article:

    Rachel 04, you might want to do a google search on "Patient Autonomy"

    Here are a couple more:

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