Kiddos Valentines Parties

by simplesally 4 Replies latest social family

  • simplesally

    Well, tomorrow is the last day of 'school' for my daughter ...........the last day before Valentines Day. There is a party at school. My girl wanted to bring juice. I asked, "Juice or cupcakes" she said she wanted to brink pink juice. Well apple juice doesn't come pink soooooooooo.

    I bought Valentines cards for her and we made them all out this morning to bring to school tomorrow. She colored them and put stickers on them and stuffed them all in her backpack and into the car so she would not forget them. She is so excited about her Party tomorrow. She keeps slipping and calling it her birthday party.

  • Sassy

    I'll get she thinks there is a Birthday Cake too... I know how much she likes them!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    kids just love a party; any excuse for one will do.

    All three of my kids ( ages 12, 9 , 4) wrote out valentines day cards for their classmates to be accompanied by a small wrapped piece of chocolate. They are having so much fun!

    I could never imagine telling them that they could not celebrate this....

  • Billygoat

    I think it's fun to watch kids experience holidays for the first time. I still get "into" the holidays like a kid myself.

    There was a school district here in Dallas a few weeks ago that banned the kids from sending out V-Day cards. I guess one kids brought some with a religious passage and it offended someone.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    God bless those Pagans!!! i can't wait to let my kids do all the things i was never allowed to do. i remember being in the first grade, getting all these valentines from girls and just giving them to the person sitting next to me. not to mention the embarrassment of staying seated while everyone else is passing their cards around.


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