Kingdom Hospital

by Ghosthunter 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ghosthunter

    Has anyone seen the previews for this new Stephen King series yet? It starts on March 3 and looks AWESOME! After the miniseries "IT", back in the early nineties, Stephen King finally realized that his writing is better suited to a television series than confined to a two-hour movie.

    Any more Stephen King fans out there? Favorite book? Mine is "The Stand".


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Woooo HOOO! I love the quality of the Stephen King stuff they do for television. I liked the second Shining, and Rose Red. "It" was awesome, but scared the crap outta me... hehehhe. I can't wait for this new one!


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I used to be a big Stephen King fan ( favorite is The Shining) . But I stopped reading him because his books just became too mean spirited and when he started killing children in his books I dropped him completely.

  • RunningMan

    I'm a big fan. His best is the gunslinger series. Green Mile, Thinner, and Shawshank are also pretty good.

  • Ghosthunter

    Country Girl - Don't feel bad, "It" scared the crap out of me too! Can't stand to even LOOK at a clown now! Rose Red scared me, too. I ought to pick that up on DVD. Liked the original "The Shining" (nothing like Jack Nicholson), but the TV version was way closer to the book. I remember when I saw The Shining in the theater the first time, I was disappointed that they turned the hedge animals into the hedge maze. I also liked Rebecca DeMornay a LOT better than Shelley Duvall.


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