for people thats more experienced on the WT policies of dating, how do they scripturally back up not being alone, not being allowed to be in the same car and stuff like that? it has gotten ridiculous now because my g/f is scared for me to drive her 3 hours to a concert and she wants to take seperate cars. its total bullshit and i'm not going for it, we're taking the same car and i jsut wanted to see if it was more of a man-made rule. ( i pretty much know its a man made rule because cars aren't in teh bible =P)
Dating and such...
by dustyb 6 Replies latest jw friends
Things have really changed since I was a teenager in the JW cong. We dated alone and went to a drive in movie most of the time, smooched and kissed etc, but had no sex. Well at least I didn't, don't know about the others though. There were no pregnancies that I remember.
We had so much more freedom back then as a JW than they do today.
Ken P.
When I was dating we never had any hassel about not being alone together, or travelling long distances in the car together. Mind you I did get df'd for fornication that happened everytime we were alone together.............. doh!
There's is no scriptural back up for that rule. It is simply an over protective rule. They want to prevent any chance of fornication, so they think a rule will do it.
I actually got away with dating alone. But we were both attending the same university and we kind of just started hanging out together alone on Friday nights even before we were an item. So no one really knew but our parents and if anyone else did know about me, they probably had some thought of he's just a good little witness. Well on a Friday evening, sometimes you could find some unlocked and vacant classrooms our campus. We would usually study our Watchtower together and after that we would study each other, but we never had sex. Sometimes we would go somewhere public like to dinner or a movie.
My parents had a double standard on this matter. They never bothered me about a chaperone. My sister on the other, never got near her bf without a chaperone. My date's mother was simply more lenient in general about JW rules. My date's father left JW many years ago after being in only a few years.
Dusty....hi there.
First of all, I was wondering if that is your high school graduation picture of you?
how do they scripturally back up not being alone, not being allowed to be in the same car and stuff like that?
They cannot use a particular scripture to PROVE that it is wrong. They use "principals and examples".
They use examples such as Joseph being alone with potifers wife when she wanted to climb his bones.
They forget about all the guys in the old testement that were alone with good lookin chicks. Guys like the ones who delivered a wife to another man who lived 100's of miles away. Can you imagine being alone traveling in the desert for weeks with a beautiful young maiden virgin.......and keeping your hands off her that long? I'm thinking perhaps maybe some of those christian patriarchs.....didn't recieve the goods they were promised in the package they were sent in!
We had so much more freedom back then as a JW than they do today.
Isn't that the truth? It seems that when they started tightening up on the young people was when they started getting into trouble.
they have never encouraged dating alone and always encouraged a chaperone. No doubt as seen by the comments, there were cong, were they came down on you less if you put yourself into a 'tempted situation"...
How many of us can say we dated alone and didn't commit fornication..
I did, and although I didn't know it, I was pregnant on my wedding day....
that is the reason why they say not to.. because of the example of those of us who did date alone.........