I have been inactive for quite some time and have no wish to return to the borg. Thier total lack of real love is astounding. Anyway, I was approached by a dub who told me "due to the steady decline of baptismal candidates it is very near the end", i almost laughed at him.
they want it both ways a large influx of candidates is a sign of Jehovah's blessing and a sign of the end, a lessening of candidates is also a sign of the end. Geeesh. The dub sighted several instanses of the decline of candidates what is really funny is that they actually believe this nonsense.
I was looking at the wt study article for today and it was funny they were sighting 400 jdubs in brazil then the gilead rectum circles arrived and they grew astoundingly, then the next or one of following paragraphs (i dont have it with me now) sighted japan and only about 100 dubs at end of war and showed a peak figure of x amount i quickly showed my wife that this was actually a decline and shoudn't have been used as an example of growth.
reminds me of the motto the WT seems to have if you can't dazzle them with the facts, baffle them with bs they will still believe it. any comments??? buff
They need to have anything and everything prove they're claim. I remember once in an Awake! or Watchtower(tm) a "watching the news" bunk article where they said that crows were really reproducing lately. They then mentioned the scritpure where the "birds would pick the millitary commanders eyes out" scripture in revelation.
Keep grasping at they're straws; people couldn't be interested in us because we're not the "true religion", LOL!
I've never seen a group of people who will willingly stick they're heads up they're asses and keep smiling and say that things smell fine.
they want it both ways a large influx of candidates is a sign of Jehovah's blessing and a sign of the end, a lessening of candidates is also a sign of the end. Geeesh.
Well, of course. If the organization is growing, Jehovah is "speeding up the work" because the end is so close. If the numbers are shrinking, he is testing and sifting his people so that the organization will be clean because the end is so close.
If the churches are growing, Satan is working extra hard because he knows his time is short because the end is so close. If the churches are dwindling, Jehovah is 'drying up the waters of the Euphrates' because the end is so close.
If there is war, it's part of the sign that the end is close. If there's peace, the nations are gearing up for their announcement of 'peace and security,' which proves that the end is close.
It's all so simple, why can't you understand it? Satan must have blinded your mind because the end is so close.