There are a couple co-workers who are JW?s. Needless to say, I find their actions and their beliefs to be at odds. This one particular witness knowingly participated in a group lunch sponsored by a religious radio station recently (among other questionable activities in the past). He even won a Christian T-shirt promoting the station. Since he knowingly participated in this event, and is an active JW, how would his congregation and other JW?s view this action? Is it considered ?conscience? or a serious offense?
A matter of conscience or more?
by overitforgood 5 Replies latest jw friends
First, do his workmates know he is a JW?
If not, he may be trying to live a double life.
I wonder how he explains it to the other JW? Maybe they are both trying to life double lives?
Oh yes, he's very vocal about it. And the other JW's are as well. If he's trying to live a double life, he's not doing a very good job of it.
weird. he probably figures his non-witness co-workers don't know all the ins and outs of the JW rules, and so thought it wouldn't make a difference to them.
For a JW, everything is a "conscience" matter. It's just that some "conscience" decisions will get you DFed or DAed while others will not.
According to a letter I got from the Service Department, the Watchtower Society and the local elders do not TELL any JW what to do... every JW decides on his own. (Yeah right)
I guess it would be the same as if a police officer told you that it was up to a person's conscience as to whether it was ok to murder someone... however doing so will land you in jail.
According to a letter I got from the Service Department, the Watchtower Society and the local elders do not TELL any JW what to do... every JW decides on his own. (Yeah right)
I think it's called our Bible trained conscience. The WTS will come out and say something like, "Because of one's study of the Bible, a sincere Christian would refrain from....." or "Following the example of the early Christians, Christians today avoid......" This loaded language does not come out and say what we should or should not do, but no dutiful JW will dare speak against it and say "I relied on my conscience". It can't be done. That's why there are so many X-JWs filling these pages.