Do you ride a unicycle to work?

by Elsewhere 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    On my way in to work this morning I saw a strange sight... a unicycle chained to a pole. At first this may not seem strange, but think about it, the fact that someone chained this unicycle to a pole means that someone is riding a unicycle around downtown Dallas.

    Now, I can handle someone riding a bicycle... but a unicycle???

  • Valis

    I was wondering where I had left my unicycle...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Nosferatu

    Occasionally, I see bikes chained to posts with the front wheel missing. I wonder if people do that with unicycles.

  • maxwell

    That's an interesting photo. I say why not ride a unicycle. Of course, it looks like a single gear machine so it might take a little more effort per mile than most bicycles which usually have multiple gears. If I could ride one, I think I'd just try to lug it inside with me since its so small. On the one in the picture, if you removed the wheel, there would be no way to lock it to anything, except maybe through the rails on the bottom of the seat. Wheels are usually removed on bikes because they have quick release bolts which makes the front wheel very easy to steal. This also deters theft by thieves who want to ride off on the bike.

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