Did being a JW teach your children to lie?

by Strawberryfieldsforever 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    When I was young and in school, I would often lie to questions my friends asked me. Things like "what did you get for christmas" or "are you comming to the choir concert tonight" or "why can't you join track" or "why don't you eat our birthday treats". The list is endless. Lying was a good way to make a quick getaway. I found as I got into high school, that the lying just came natural. It was protective to my feelings. Did any of you ever do this?


  • shotgun

    Constantly...Then you teach your kids to go door to door and lie to everyone else.

    Just about everything they teach kids is no better than an Easter Bunny laying eggs.....cmon that hasn't happened since the days when that Goose laid a golden egg and Baalams ass talked.

  • concerned mama
  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I have no idea what happed above???????????????

    Trying again.........

    Great question.

    That was one of the things I really noticed about my daughter's JW ex-bf. He slid around all sorts of social questions and situations by telling lies or at the least, avoiding the truth. Very few people knew he was JW, and less knew how he was really supposed to be living. He slid around why he could never do anything with anyone outside of school, or why he never participated in any celebrations. Excuses of being broke or busy go a long way with teenagers.

    I found that he was incredibly deceptive, and no longer knew how much he did it. He didn't know how to be straightforward and honest. Because of that, anyone who really cared about this young man had no idea what he really thought. The double life was this extremely confused and secretly lonely, young man's way to cope.

    I feel so sorry for him.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Teaching children to lie?

    No, kids lie for the same reasons, JW or not. To not get into trouble, to fit in and not look different, those are the reasons that kids lie, no matter what religion they are raised in. They may learn it from the adults around them, but the WTS has no monopoly on that sin.

    Can't lay that one on the Kingdom Hall doorstep, I'm afraid.

  • Tuesday

    Oh My God, I was the biggest liar on the planet. I lied about everything. I had a unique situation though, my mother was a witness and my father was vehimently opposed. So I lied to my father about how I never did anything witness related and lied to my mom about how much I wanted to be a witness. I would go to christmases at my fathers then lie to the congregation about how I didn't open any presents, then I'd lie to my father about how I never talked to any of the witness kids. At school I would lie about school activities and why I couldn't be involved, if I got roped into something I'd lie about why I was after school (getting additional help). Man, I was slippier than Bill Clinton ever was, I successfully lead a double life until I decided I didn't need to lie about everything, so I came clean to all of my friends. That's a different story though.

  • sf
    "We are also very impressed of your way with words. Take for instance a widely used phrase i the Watchtower, the word "Truth". This word has been misused and abused in your magazines and books to an extent that we did not consider possible. When you are constantly falsifying your organizations history, when you are falsifying and twisting quotes to fit your purpose, you present this before your loyal followers as "truth". In other words, you lie to protect the "truth". One of your faithful and "loyal" witnesses somewhat accidentally summed up the whole matter with the following words: "I firmly believe in the truth whether it is true or not." Your concept and definition of "truth" is therefore quite extraordinary as it includes outright lies."



    Norm put out some incredible 'tidbets' for all to 'chew on'. Sure miss him.


  • itsallgoodnow

    Yes I think it does teach you to lie, because the penalty for not falling in line is so high, you don't want to displease them. And then you know it's all so weird and don't feel like standing out if you don't need to. Sometimes you just need a break.

    Doesn't mean we are not good people if we are cornered and need to lie about something stupid anyway, just means we can't be completely open about everything all the time. We are not the only people not giving 100% of our stories to everyone, so I don't see it as a problem. But I wish I hadn't needed to do it.

  • dustyb

    JW kids lie more because they are afraid of being destroyed if they get into trouble because they are taught troublemakers will get destroyed...(me being one of those kids).

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