my wife just happened to be at the house.
Looks like who ever assigned the territory today really stuffed up as two young (late teens/early twenties - don't these kids have a life?) brothers strolled up to our front door. We have lived at our present address for ten years, and although we have spotted the dubs working our street on numerous occasions, this is the first time they have paid a visit.
Maybe the brothers didn't read the territory card very thoroughly, as surely they would have my house identified as being inhabited by a wicked evil apostate bastard (how sweet that sounds!). In anycase, either through lack of tact, or hoping for a relevant topic as an introduction for becoming eligible for membership in a life free from pain and sickness, one of the brothers got off to a bad start with my wife when his first words were "Oh, I see you have someone in the house in a wheelchair" after observing the ramp up the front steps for the use of our wheelchair bound son. Did not go over very well with missus - definitely lost a few points for presentation.
The usual repeat-after-me intro ensued briefly until interrupted by my wife's comment, "Oh, I USED to be a witness". Well she reckoned their jaws almost dropped to the verandah floor. Now, at this point in time my wife has neither disassociated nor been disfellowshipped, we both drifted away together, and, whereas she has her parents in dubdom, I had no ties, and could see no point in cutting myself free from the dubs, so I DA'd. That being said, she has as much contempt for the witnesses as I have.
Anyhow, back to the ministry - she didn't want to hang around talking to some shit for a brain pair of witnesses, so she accepted the mags (is it safe to have them in the house?) for cheeses to read. I have had a flick through them, and it's just like any other time I have looked at the mags - same shit, different cover.
The Afake (Jan 8) carries some vary appropriate material for the brothers entitled - Understanding Mood Disorders, with the lead article, Tormented Minds. Should be rivetting reading.
The botchtower (Feb 10) has a life story with the title Experiencing Jehoobers Loving Kindness and Care. I think it's a spoof article as it's told by FAy KING. Sure..., and her sister is JO KING. Maybe they also have a brother named WAyNe KING.
My wife hopes that she can expect a return visit from the brothers to learn how much she enjoyed reading the mags. cheeses hopes too, that he might be home if they do call back.
cheeses - enjoying the ministry of apostacy.