w8/15/31 252 A man advances a theory that the moon is made of green cheese. He appears before an intelligent audience and asks that audience to listen to his evidence and argument in support of his theory. The intelligent men and women of the audience look at each other with a smile and say: ?That poor man is probably earnest and sincere in his belief that the moon is made of green cheese, but it is apparent to every reasonable person and from the evidence within the reach of all that the moon is not made of green cheese. We will therefore not make ourselves foolish by listening to this man. He is a fool, but why should we permit him to make fools of us?? Another man appears before an intelligent audience. He has the reputation of being a wise man. He looks wise and is wise in his own conceits and speaks with profound gravity. He is a theological professor, a clergyman of renown, and is called a scientist and savant. He requests that audience to hear him present his argument in support of a new theory concerning the origin of man. He briefly outlines his theory as follows: ?That man is a product of the force of evolution; that millions of years ago particles or atoms formed themselves into protoplasm; that by the operation of the forces of nature life began to manifest itself in the lowest form; that after millions of years more this evolution process developed a monkey; that the process continued until there resulted an animal which we call man.? He then offers to produce the proof and argument in support of his evolution theory. The intelligent audience hears him state briefly his theory and then says: ?That man probably is sincere in his belief, and by his method of reasoning he may be able to convince himself that man is the product of evolution; but he could not possibly have any competent evidence in support of his astounding theory. If he so desires he may believe that his ancestors were monkeys, but we will not stultify ourselves nor dignify his foolishness by listening to him. We believe the Bible, and his theory is diametrically opposed to the Bible.? Why should anyone who believes God and believes that the Bible is his Word of Truth waste time listening to or entering into a discussion of a theory of evolution of man? To enter into a discussion as to whether or not the moon made itself from green cheese or is green cheese is foolishness. To engage in an argument as to whether man was created by Jehovah or made himself by evolution or evolved from protoplasm is worse than foolishness. It is an insult to Jehovah God. Would any Christian stultify himself by entering into a discussion as to whether or not every good and perfect thing proceeded from Satan the Devil or from Jehovah God? No one can be a Christian unless he believes that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is God?s beloved Son, the Savior of mankind. The very life of a Christian is w8/15/31 253 faith in God and his Word, the Bible. Why then should a Christian enter into an argument of a proposition the very statement of which makes God a liar?
(Bold added) This assertion is repeated in other WTS publications (the Creation book [1927], for example)
As a speculation: This was part and parcel of Ruthy's apoplectic frenzy to rid the WTS of anything "Russell." The Old Theology Quarterly (a series of tracts published by the Bible Students in the 1880s) included one issue: The Bible vs. the Evolution Theory.
And, of course, the WTS has since published a couple of very scholarly books that totally debunk evolution.