It would be a Federal Holiday so all Government offices
would be closed. None of those nagging worries about
a late call from the Governor to put things on hold. He
will be on the golf course with his cell phone turned off.
The day for it will be Feb-29th. Yes every 4 years we will
get rid of all prisoners on death row so we can have the
cells for new inmates we put their. Public does not want
the expense for building more cells. The cut off date for
being executed that day will be DEC. 31st just prior to
date. So the longest the public will have to house and feed
these less than human individual is just over 4 years.
So sorry if you just got put their on Christmas please
make your appeals FAST. BTW have a merry Christmas.
Other reasons why that date is good. It's the begginning
of the Presidential campaign and will give them something
to talk about for awhile. Why should we have to work that
day? We don't pay any more rent or our mortage payment
is not any higher. If we are on salary we are not really getting
paid. It's the middle of the winter and we sure would like
to have a day off every 4 years to celebrate are great
judicial system. We could make it like a Super Bowl party.
The U.S. Supreme court could rule to put all executions
on pay per view and you'll be able to tune into the ones of
choice the ones that are real special and personal to you.
All proceeds to go into the Social Security fund so no one
will ever think of fooling with this Great new Holiday of ours.
Please write your congressmen and suggest this. If it should
ever become a reality I'll invite you over for a sub, chips, and
NOT---------------------------ALL KILLING MUST STOP------------
The easiest to stop is State sanctioned murders and
government santioned or non-sanctioned WARS.
Please do write your congressmen about THESE.
Peace and Love
Mark----------------"Hoping the dream is not over" a play on
Lryics by John Lennon