HOW DID YOU DO IT? How did you make it through? Right now is one of those times that feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. My son is in a rage right now cause I cleaned his room and he had to go to bed?
by neverthere 3 Replies latest social family
HOW DID YOU DO IT? How did you make it through? Right now is one of those times that feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. My son is in a rage right now cause I cleaned his room and he had to go to bed?
Imallgrowedup tells me that her son has Aspergers.
Hang in there, neverthere! I'll pm her for you, hope she replies to you soon.
((((((((neverthere )))))))))0
just thought you could use one..
special k
Hi neverthere!
I just got bebu's pm! I also have a child with Asperger's Syndrome. He is 7 and I know how difficult it can be. Mulan has a grown and married child with Asperger's and she has given me a lot of hope for my son. Mulan's daughter Princess has done the same! I shouldn't speak for either of them, although I have a feeling that I am right on the money when I say that they would be more than happy to share their experiences with you. Also, here is a thread where I posted with them about it: As you'll see, these are the very first posts I made on the board! (I totally hijacked the thread without realizing it was a faux paus!) Anyway, the support from these wonderful ladies is a reason I have stayed on the board!
I don't know how long you have had your child's diagnosis or how old your child is, but I can tell you from experience that transitions and surprises are the two most difficult things for our children to deal with. I certainly don't want to start telling you a bunch of stuff you already know, but if you are new to this, I can get you pointed in the right direction. I also truly believe that no one can ever have too many friends or too much support! So please check for a pm from me - I'll give you my e-mail and phone number and you can contact me when you want! I totally understand what you are going through!