funny Jack Chick tract about Jdubs

by gitasatsangha 2 Replies latest social humour

  • gitasatsangha

    if this is old, i dont know. Jack Chick tracks are interesting to me. I hate 'em, and yet am stragely attracted to them, the way tourists look over old torture devices in museums.

    Anyway this is funny, sad, wrong, wright, depraved: A Jack Chick Tract ABOUT Jehovah's Witnesses.

    sorry.. I had the wrong iframe in there for a minute

  • Euphemism

    LOL It's so funny to see one religious blowhard criticizing other religious blowhards!

    One thing's for sure, if someone was going to talk to Witness parents whose daughter needed a blood transfusion, the trinity would be the last thing they should bring up!

  • Huxley

    Jack Chick tracts are the best!

    I found a hilarious religious tract in my neighborhood the other day,

    I wish I could scan it ,it's called, "WHERE IS JOHN LENNON"

    Here are some funny excerpts...

    "John said, 'imagine there's no heaven' - 'no hell below us.' He may have meant a literary heaven and hell as depicted in books and movies; but MAKE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT; there is a real heaven and a REAL HELL, whether you IMAGINE it or not."

    "John Lennon said, 'give peace a chance,' I urge you to give 'The Prince of PEACE' a chance (-Jesus-)

    Hee hee hee...


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