Remember all that, with the Harp of God, saying that Abraham, David, etc, would be resurrected in 1925? (The book was quickly revised to say "in the near future" )
Well, I thought that whole idea had pretty much died then, but today I stumbled across this:
Yeah, I know...I should go get some electro-shock treatments instead of reading all these old publications, but, what the hey! a guy has to have some kind of hobby. LOLw3/1/37 68
It seems well here to mention another thing. ?The famine was in the land of Canaan,? where Jacob resided with his family and where they were sojourners and strangers. Jacob and his family there were the people looking for a city or organization with foundations as described by the apostle Paul in the epistle to the Hebrews. Today the earth is still dominated by Satan and his organization, and it is in that land that Jehovah?s witnesses and others who love God reside as aliens, sojourners and strangers. In the world there is a great famine for spiritual food except for those who love and serve Jehovah God. Now all those of the temple class praise Jehovah for his loving-kindness and point the people to the Greater Joseph as God?s provision for them. All the holy prophets of God, who in the long centuries past prophesied, foretold the coming
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of the great Messiah and pointed out to the people that he is the One whom Jehovah uses to dispense life. Jacob is included among those holy prophets who faithfully served God. It does not seem out of place, therefore, to here suggest that those holy prophets may soon be raised from the dead and before Armageddon, and before God?s remnant have passed from the earth, and that these will join together with the other witnesses now on earth in the proclamation of God?s provisions for mankind. That would mean, therefore, not only that Jacob in the drama was picturing Jehovah God sending the people of goodwill to Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, but that he also in a lesser way pictured those holy men of old who by the prophecies they uttered foretold Jehovah?s provision for humankind.