by Blueblades 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    The subject of poor health, and in some cases, certain serious problems with mental health as well, is denied by the Watchtower Society.How then do they explain that many once healthy individuals in all fields of assignments, and who received those assignments because of being in robust health, have now had to step down or relieve themselves of such assignments because of now being in poor health?

    Some have given of themselves to the point of exhaustion. The abuse of the Christian doctrine of self - sacrifice has been used by the society to cause many once healthy ones to become exhausted and in poor health, then thrown by the wayside when they have nothing left to give.

    At the same time attitudes of super - pietism has had a detrimental effect on some of the persons manifesting them or, on a number of those who are objects of their over - righteousness.

    The guilt laid on those serving the Governing Body has caused great physchological pressure, so that many have gone from robust health to poor health and had to resign from their positions of service.

    I know personally of one Circuit Overseer's wife who suffered a nervous breakdown and had to leave the circuit work.I also know of Pioneers and Elders and Bethelites who had to leave because of burn out leading to poor health for these once robust people, who have now been thrown to the wayside by the Governing Body.

    What kind of self - sacrifice is this, that the Governing Body twistes and abuses to their advantage.It use to be that as one falls to the wayside another would take its place.But, now that is not happening,many have now become irreplaceable and the Governing Body is scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak.

    Has this happened to you, or someone you know.Were you once in robust health and before your time came to be in poor health and had to resign your position of service because of it.

    And now you know the difference between what Jesus taught about self - sacrifice and the abuse that the society uses and twistes to their advantage at the cost of so many once beautiful robust people.


  • mouthy

    I know many- who are still in the Borg- who dedicated their lives to the "work" & ended up in old folks homes & no one ever bothers with them now. & because some of us would visit- they cant look at us. ( being apostate) I remember the scripture that says "it is not done in a corner" they WilI all stand before the judgement seat.All those who "pressed others in to service" after all the scripture says the work of God is to believe in the One God sent???? Who is that ??????????JESUS

  • Maverick

    The WTS is a very demanding god! They want your youth, wealth, and obedience! They require you to sacrifice all for them. Even the blood issue is a test of loyalty to them! And if your child must pay the price so be it! Remember the Canaanites and their god Molech? They talk a good game about the reward God will give you as they suck the life force out of you and then toss you aside when you are no longer able to work for them. I guess they expect God to pay back their debt to you. But don't try to cash it in's worthless! Maverick

  • galaxy7

    I think all the JWS are near breakdowns

    that is why they cant see anything we have to say as true.

    It is their mind protecting them

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