Felt terrible then I realized we are not to believe reputable media outlets. Because the reports must be apostate driven lies.
Arson of K.H's in Washington State getting a lot of news coverage..
by nowwhat? 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
Denial you say? Ashes, ashes, we all move to another Hall anyway.
neat blue dog
The JWs on social media are eating it up, sharing and resharing posts. They looove them some good persecution.
Fake news, just stop watching these fake news sites.
I just posted this article in another thread.
(CNN)A fire last week at a Jehovah's Witnesses' house of worship in Washington state was arson -- the fifth attack targeting the religious group this year, federal officials said Sunday. -
Here's a link to a ABC News video showing the damage/devastation to the Kingdom halls in Washington state..
https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/jehovahs-witnesses-house-worship-target-arson-59710112 -
Persecution? LOL It only happens to jw's right? Lunatics have been burning churches in the USA for decades. Persecution is when some sicko enters a kh and starts shooting like what has happened recently in a Jewish synagogue!
just saying!
Yeah, they can cal it persecution, but I think this particular persecution is coming from within, just left a msg on the other post about this. Most folks really don't care about the JWs, so it's someone that's been effected by their lies.