I am the world's most uncoordinated person! My karate teacher told me tonight that in all his years of teaching he has only ever been unable to teach one person to get to the first Kata and he is determined that I will not be the second one. Oh how to imspire a person and build their confidence up!
I always thought I was well coordinated but get me to do a head punch with a swoop block followed by a short lunge punch and I am all over the place and laughing hysterically! At least the class is learning to laugh with me instead of at me! I try not to take it too seriously as it is just to learn self defense and if I should happen to meet someone well that would be great to!
So anyway thats all I wanted to say. Nothing profound or earth shattering, just thought i would share that significant point with whoever cares to read it! I bet i would be disfellowshipped very quickly if the elders knew I was learning Karate. Then what would they say about the tatoo I got last year and my one ambition I had left from last year (to have a one night stand ), not to mention leaving my scumbag husband and looking with licentious eyes at males and all the one million and one other things like drinking! Oh I bet they couldnt shut the dors quick enough behind me!