Husband let pregnant wife, unborn baby die over blood transfusion

by AFRIKANMAN 8 Replies latest watchtower medical


    A man took to Facebook to share his experience at a General Hospital in Lagos state, and its bound to leave you speechless.

    In the post that he shared on social media, the man revealed how he got to the point of beating up a man whose wife had just died.

  • Crazyguy

    Religion really does have the power to remove ones thinking. I too would of let one of my family members die in need of blood because like most JWs the cults reasons seemed sound based on the limited information a JW is provided with. It wasn’t until it all became a reality in my life and one of my family members may have needed blood that I after hearing some information decided to do some research.

    It really is sad that all around the world people live and die based on indoctrination and or limited information.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    That's totally terrible, Afrikanman.

    My condolences to this Nigerian family - I hope they receive support from family and friends through this difficult time.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Religion really does have the power to remove ones thinking.

    Image result for check your brain at the door

  • Outahere

    Even the Jews, from whom the blood prohibition originated, make exception in the case of life. Everything in their religious law, save blasphemy and idolatry, may be abrogated if a life is on the line.

    Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. He broke the law in the name of The Law. The stupid JWs never got the fucking memo.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Outahere says:

    Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. He broke the law in the name of The Law. The stupid JWs never got the fucking memo.

    Amen to that!

  • Dunedain

    @ Outahere - Its so true, Jews themselves even have enough sense to use moderation.

    What I always found absurd, and highly illogical concerning not taking blood, is if the blood was sacred because it SYMBOLIZED life, how could that supersede the ACTUAL life of the person who is dying????

    It makes NO sense. In JW world the SYMBOL of life is more important than the ACTUAL life, so STUPID. The sad thing though, is the lives of the many people over the years, due to a poor, archaic decision from 7 MEN in Brooklyn.

  • JaniceA

    Or 8. That should put any bethelite or JW in the position of FDS publicly, then keep the real power so far from public that the guys can play their mind games without anyone even imagining who is really running the show. Like the disembodied powers(computer) that be in "Logan's Run" remember the movie about the utopia that was really a dystopian nightmare? That's not unlike what the borg is.

    Remember how the movie ended? I live in hope!


    Dunedain - Ray Franz articulated that point beautifully in ISOCF but JDubbery cannot see that as the Kool-Aid produces myopia.

    In the comments section of the Journal [ below ] the JW's commenting are having a field day sprouting their defense of this mans decision - Needs some input from the ex-JW community please .....................

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