I have been thinking about this for a while now.
When I was a faithful dub back in the 80s I know they had records on all members. Anything you did, be it field service hours or judgements against you for wrong doing went into this record.
I remember I asked an elder if I could see mine sometime and was told that it was not allowed. I remember it bothered me at the time but as dubs will always do, I forced the issue out of my mind(mostly anyway).
Now, I am wondering, is it legal for them to maintain records about me or anyone else and not share them with that person? Is there someone on this board familliar with law who might have some ideas?
I want to see my record damn it!
I want to see my records
by NikL 6 Replies latest jw friends
G'day NikL,
When you submitted your monthly Field Service Reports each month, you were acknowledging that the congregation kept a record of your activity and that you gave permission.
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
I remember it being said from the stage that anytime we wanted to view our field service records, we were welcome to ask the secretary. It sounded like it was free and easy to view them - your own records that is, not those of other people's.
Was I in an unusually open congregation?
G'day Prisca,
What you say is correct: You can see your Congregation Publisher's Record Card at any time. In practice, few ever ask to look at it. It's hard enough getting the publishers to report, let alone be interested in a Record Card! I would think that over 30 years, perhaps only a couple of time did any publisher ask to look at their card.
Of course, if you have ceased associating with the congregation, you have buckleys of viewing your card. And as for asking for it to be destroyed, no chance!
Ozzie"Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos -
Forget it :)
I have demanded the same, and I got an answer telling they never had such a record, and that my records were deleted together with the "central record" they never had!
Believe it or not - the letter in Norwegian is on my website :)
Yakki Da
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:
http://watchtower.observer.org -
the only records that pub can see are time records anything else is off limits
i had a sister once who moved and i sent her INTRO LETTER a few months later i get a call from her asking me what did i put in her letter, casue all the friends were acting funy with her- i told her it was a general letter and nothing more-
so she asked the elders in her hall to let her see it - they said no
so she wrote bethel and they sent her letter to the body with warnings to keep and eye on this fool
they told her that it was corrospondence between elders and she could not read it.
she was Pissed
but that is life in WT world
As has been suggested before(in jest, but with less panache) you need to take your prize by force. Sail in under cover of darkness on a new moon, then its 'axes and broadswords away', hack down the door, cut out the record file, beat a hasty retreat before the enemy has even woken up. If the records are kept elsewhere, such as the PO's house, refer back to the flagship for further directions.