THis post is dedicated to the Bible Students and the one JW coward that taunt people and edit and delete posts from those that have a different view and expose the lies and misconceptions and false prophecies of Charles Taze Russell.
Regan Balman (Bible Student) said on his newly designed site for those that have been deleted and edited from his Present "NO" Truth Forum, that he will fight them on land-sea-air etc. He has refered to this forum as a forum of war. I say if that is what he see's, then so be it. If you have the guts Regan and Sherluck, post away. I am sure there are several on this forum that would love to hear your words of wisdom and life saving truths.
If my message has not been deleted as well as Kelley's Heroes forum, as I would see Regan doing to save face, here is the site.