Did you ever wonder why you got out of the religion? Was it because you were smarter or could think on your own better or that God directed you? I often wonder why I was so lucky to have gotten out and so many are left in. They are so much more intelligent than I am.....why are some of us able to leave and not others???
Did you ever wonder why.......
by Strawberryfieldsforever 8 Replies latest jw friends
i don't like corporate "lyers". they'll end up being in the same place Enron is right now....
I wonder that all the time.The more I learn about how false the teaching is.The wider awake I seem to be
Maybe they already know but are to afraid of what they wil loose
There are none so blind as those who will not see!
The Truth can be the hardest pill to swallow!
And never eat yellow snow!
yea, their definition of the truth is distorted
"i'm rick james bitch!"
i don't like corporate "lyers". they'll end up being in the same place Enron is right now....
From your lips to God's ears.
I consider myself just fortunate... I would have been blind forever when it came to my brain because I didn't think to question..
I just got tired of the BS rules I could never quite keep up with... Never quite be a good enough christian with enough meeting attendence, enough F.S, enough personal study.. and enough perfect behavior..
so I just gave up...
when I got OUT, then I got to see with my eyes I should have left long ago..
Some people were simply never forced to think before. You can go with the flow and try not to make waves endlessly but once something comes along to shatter your perfect little world you are forced to think and do something. For some of us that meant we got out of the organization. Others ran the wrong way -- to the elders instead.
got my forty homey?
I left after seeing the phoniness of the whole Joe Dub thing after serving at Brooklyn Bethel for a year.
Since I was a kid my father always told me that I was a "independent" person and that was bad. and i could never understand why. Satan was the first independent thinker so they say, yet, if we didn't have independent thinkers we would still be walking around in loin clothes jumping up and down scratching our butts against rocks.