[The link states "Six Beliefs" but the title mentions "Seven Beliefs." Looks like someone goofed!]
Here Are Seven Beliefs That Make Jehovah Witness Different From Other Christians
February 28, 2018
A picture depicting the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
The following note-worthy paragraph is at the end of the article.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in shunning of Ex-members
Members who have left the Jehovah’s Witnesses for matters of conscience have one key complaint: Their despicable and harmful practice of shunning and damaging the reputation of any dissenting Jehovah’s Witness. A person’s beliefs about themselves determine almost all of their actions. When a person is indoctrinated into the Jehovah’s Witnesses they are taught to believe that they don’t “deserve” to be loved, respected, or valued. They are taught to question everything except what the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society teaches. This goes far beyond merely revoking their membership. The Watchtower requires and demands that families and friends affiliated with the organization completely cut that person off from their lives. This has resulted in broken families, separation from parents, separation from children, divorce, suicide, and untold psychological damage to all involved.