It Did Not Occur! Neither Will It Occur Today.

by Blueblades 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    RUSSELL:1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1915 ( DIED 1916 )

    RUTHERFORD:1918, 1920, 1925, 1931,EARLY 1940s ( DIED 1942 )

    KNORR / FRANZ: 1954, 1972, 1975 ( KNORR DIED IN 1977, FRANZ DIED IN 1992 )

    All four men expected to survive Armageddon, experiencing life everlasting without dying.The same promise ( "carrot" ) they gave to hundreds of thousands of others who also died.

    The membership today has the same hope not to die,but to survive Armageddon into God's new world ---life on a paradise earth. ( From the Four Presidents.Edmond C.Gruss )

    Just as it did not occur for all four presidents and many others, it will not occur for the new leaders and current membership today.For no one knows when these promises will occur,and as long as people are saying it will occur today, then it will not. ( BB )

  • minimus

    Don't be such a negative pessimist.

  • Puternut

    1) Write on a calculator the first 3 digits of the date you think it will end
    2) Multiply by 80
    3) Add 1
    4) Multiply by 250
    5) Add the last 4 digits of the year
    6) Add the last 4 digits of the year once more
    7) Minus 250
    8) Divide by 2

    Is this your year???

  • Dawn

    he he

  • Atilla

    It's strange that most of these presidents died one or two years after their armageddon dates did not come true. It was probably a combination of embarrasment and a broken heart. I wonder if any of them ever felt sorry for their false dates and this did to their followers?

  • TD

    All four men expected to survive Armageddon, experiencing life everlasting without dying.The same promise ( "carrot" ) they gave to hundreds of thousands of others who also died.

    Close --- All four men expected to live to see Armageddon. However with the exception of Russell, who believed in a rapture of the saints, the other three men expected to grow old, die, and then be resurrected in the "twinkling of an eye" as a powerful, immortal spirit creature to rule over the earth.

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