The policy on hemoglobin and other blood fractions was changed in the June 15, 2000 issue of The Watchtower. This latest change may in fact cause further confusion for many Witnesses since products like Hemopure® are derived from large quantities of stored animal blood. Numerous witnesses have questioned the logic of such an internally inconsistent dogma. Some believe that the governing body of Jehovah?s Witnesses is simply changing its long-standing doctrine gradually to avoid legal problems anticipated with an overt change to a policy that has resulted in so many deaths over the years Hemopure is a product that is made from highly purified bovine blood and only claims to provide a form of hemoglobin to assist in the delivery of oxygen to end organs and tissues. It does not substitute otherwise for blood - meaning that it may not improve hemodynamics in many cases. In addition, it differs from blood in that it has a shorter circulation time (only one or two days). In addition, some have been concerned because this is a product that comes from cows ; the recent highlights on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) has brought this issue to the forefront. However, the company states that this is not an issue or risk with this product, again because of the purification process Hemopure has been found to be acceptable for use for Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of patients that refuse the transfusion of human blood products for religious reasons. Other clinical applications remain to be determined as the product becomes available and further studies are done The inspired Holy Scriptures answer yes....According to the law of Moses, which set forth shadows of things to come , the receiver of a blood transfusion must be cut off from God?s people by excommunication or disfellowshiping .. ..if in the future he persists in accepting blood transfusions or in donating blood toward the carrying out of this medical practice upon others, he shows that he has really not repented, but is deliberately opposed to God?s requirements. As a rebellious opposer and unfaithful example to fellow members of the Christian congregation he must be cut off therefrom by disfellowshiping. - The Watchtower 01/15/1961 pp. 63, 64 In a June 14, 2000 statement to the media, the WTS explained that an individual who accepts blood transfusions ?willfully and without regret?indicates by his own actions that he no longer wishes to be one of Jehovah?s Witnesses. The individual revokes his own membership by his own actions, rather than the congregation initiating this step.? This was not a press release per se but a ?statement to the press?. It is no longer present at the WTS media site |
use of animal blood in transfusions
by galaxy7 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
Chicken blood is the only alternative
American Medical Association researchers have made a remarkable discovery.
It seems that some patients needing blood transfusions may benefit from receiving chicken blood rather than human blood.
It tends to make the men cocky and the women lay better. .......Just thought you'd like to know.
Please forward this on to your local Liason Committee
Big Tex
It tends to make the men cocky and the women lay better
little witch
Reminds me of the game "Twister"
The whole point is to become tangled and convoluted until failure results.
Thanks for the information Galaxy and welcome
Mr Ben
Hi Galaxy7,
Where is the first, main quote from?
Hi i looked up hemopure on my search engine
there is also this link
they also allow hemopure as galaxy7 said. its purified cows blood, which truly does break the eternal coventant (which we aren't under). its messed up..
Will Power
tsk tsk, relying on the sacred cow to save their life.
Isn't there a WT article about the pitfalls of this?
the WT has articles that support everything and that say everything's bad. so....