I just had to share...I had the most wonderful weekend!
Friday, I took two of my girls for a 30 minute walk to a park nearby. On SaturdayI took three of the girls with me...we were gone for about 2 hours...had a good time. My 2 year kept waving bye to the "mucks" that were swimming in the water and quacking at her. I work from my home, and usually work on Saturdays, but besides checking my email a few times, decided to screw that!
Sunday I decided that I would make my son and husband get out of the house. The husband is back from one of his many biz trips he has had to take over the last few months..and actually was able to come with me and the kids to the park. We brought bikes for three of the kids, and had a great time...fed the ducks, played on the playground...was just together.(Of course, mind, you I don't know if this would have been possible if there had been a NASCAR race this Sunday, hahah)
It is the best Sunday afternoon I have had in months...a lot more fun than spending the afternoon in Field Service!
I, for one, always valued the simple things that my mother did with us as kids...flying kites, going for a walk in the woods, etc. Today, my 6 year old stepdaughter was riding her bike a few feet ahead of me, and yelled back, "Thanks for taking us to ride bikes here! This is the best day I have ever had!" It was a great feeling. Of course, my 4 year old was a bit upset with me right before we left, because my husband put her bike in the back of the van before she was ready. She told me I was "not the Bestest Mom" anymore for allowing that to happen....eeeek!
Just had to share...I have been trying really hard to peel my family from the computer, tv and video game distractions. My husband has been so busy with work it is hard for him to forget about work even for a few hours. Of course, Monday will be back to the usual grind...but it was good to know we finally had a break that did not involve spending lots of money!!
What did you guys do this weekend?