Joysome writes:
my mom is not happy about it at all. A) She's afraid that I will need a blood transfusion. B.) she's afraid I'll die...but the most important is that she's afraid that once I lose the weight I'll become more attractive to men and I'll meet someone and I won't come back to the "truth"!?!?!?
It's not uncommon for people close to us to try to sabotage postive changes we are trying to make in our lives. Most behaviour of this sort is a reflection of the saboteur's own self-esteem and insecurities. Perhaps she's jealous that you're finally committing to taking care of your health and tackling your struggle with weight once and for all.
If you want to reassure your mom regarding the blood transfusion concern she has, ask the surgeon what the chances are that you could lose enough blood to warrant a transfusion. This procedure is done with small incisions and laparascopic equipment, so the risk of excessive blood loss should be very small.
Her concern about you dying during the surgery is a bit overblown. There is a small risk, as in any surgical procedure. But think about the risks of NOT doing it: being overweight carries with it very serious health risks: diabetes, stroke, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and is even associated with infertility. Ask your mother if she's willing to put you at risk for those things if you don't lose weight.
Regarding your mom's concern about you losing weight, finding a man and never coming back to The Truth?: her real issue is that you will "find a man" (imo)... she is worried that you won't seek her out for moral support and encouragement, if you have a partner who loves you and cares about what is in your best interests. She's upset because she is afraid of losing her ability to control or manipulate you.
Bottom line: you are an adult and you are capable of making adult decisions, including whether to go ahead with this surgery. I know of many people who have had gastric bypass and are so happy with the results, they think it's one of the best decisions they ever made.
Good luck!
Love, Scully