I bumbed in to a old wts friend (who should not of spoken to me as I am disfelowshiped) she ask if I was going to go to the Memorial? I responded that I was thinking about it but did not know were the hall was or any details. She gave me a number of the local cong.
I rang the cong and as a good dishfelowshiped person, I identifed my self and as a disfelowshiped person that was looking for info so I could attend. The bro was very nice and told me of the address and time. I told this bro that I was new to this area and did not know were the address was and he said that he would drop a map over for me. (Muchly apprecated)
2 days later I phoned and he apploligesed for not dropping around and said he would come around tonight 3 day later I spoke to his wife and she said that she would remind him. It has now been 2 more day and no response.
I always thought that if you asked for help from the elder then thay would always assist.
Don't look like Im going to the memorial now then does it.
Yeah! Why you trying so hard to return to the vomit?
Don't be so hard on her, the last memorial I attended was THE LAST TIME I STEPED IN A KH! It cured me of ever wanting to go back. Maybe it will do the same for her?
One can hope!
But then again sorry you are going through so much of a run around, those elders are just so darn busy ya know!
I'm glad you can see it that way - I can't imagine slipping into the back of the KH as they begin, sitting alone in the back row, just to 'be there', leaving like a ghost at the end.
Just the thought of that, to me, is degrading. Maybe mr. elder unwittingly did you a favour by showing how little they *care*.