Why the Watchtower is an "Old Wineskin"

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Today the news reported that a grandmother gave birth to her own grandchildren!


    What else does the news show you?

    Transgendered people

    Gay marriage

    Cloning of the first human embryos

    Stem cells regrowing any bodily tissue

    Bookies in England stop taking bets about life on Mars

    DNA 'chips' showing how to slow aging

    These things are just the beginning. The Watchtower, with its tired publishers and endless 'oral law' is little more

    than an 'old wineskin' being filled with new wine - and ready to burst. They are a worn out anachronism, fighting

    to ignore their own growing irrelevance.

    They have rejected the wisdom of individual conscience - in favor of the rule of a cold-hearted gerontocracy.

    ---- and human progress is bringing down the curtain on their cultish enterprise.

    I long for the day when they 'burst'.


  • Carmel

    Would this not be the case for all the "old world religions"?


  • yxl1

    Unfortunately, these things are not being observed within the confines of the Watchtower walls. Human progress is never highlighted in their publications, always the oposite - and for a reason. If the average witness bothered to pull their head out of the sand I think they'd be surprised how well the rest of us are doing - and thats without 101 different books telling us what not to do.

    They have rejected the wisdom of individual conscience - in favor of the rule of a cold-hearted gerontocracy

    Agreed. Also times are different now, and the kind of tactics the WTS have used up untill now, are not going to hold water for very long. I look forward to the day the skin splits...I just hope I'm around to see it

  • metatron

    Well, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Confusianists will take it all in stride

    Amish will not be affected much, being isolated.

    Liberal Christians and Jews will get by OK

    In the end, love and brotherhood will always be relevant - the very qualities lacking in this cult.


  • Sargon
    grandmother gave birth to her own grandchildren

    I thought this was going to be a redneck story with 'Dueling Banjos' in the background.

  • Gopher
    Today the news reported that a grandmother gave birth to her own grandchildren!

    Of course, this is a sign of the "nearness of the world's end" to them. Anything that is non-traditional simply reflects a breakdown in societal moral values !!!!

    THE END IS COMING! -- This is an OLD WHINE, from a bunch of OLD WHINERS.

  • SixofNine
    grandmother gave birth to her own grandchildren
    I thought this was going to be a redneck story with 'Dueling Banjos' in the background.

    Or at the very least, since the event took place in Texas, one expected that it would involve Valis.

  • shotgun

    Six if it involved Valis the Thread would not have been about an old wineskin it would have been about an old foreskin...ewww

  • heathen

    I would think the way they keep changing church doctrine is more the putting the new wine in an old wine skin . They are a very conservative group so it really doesn't shock me to see the constant reminder that the ways of the world are evil . That is disgusting that a grandmother gives birth to her own grandchildren .

  • Carmel

    Another Incest thread?


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