Can a false religion perform a legal marriage?

by JH 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    If every other religion is false, why does the Watchtower recognize marriages performed in other churches?

    Example: If you get baptized in another faith, the watchtower will say that it isn't the real baptism that leads to salvation. So why does the Watchtower recognize a marriage performed by a false relgion, and not the baptism performed by the same church?

  • simplesally

    Because its legally recognized by the governments. It is still considered a vow made before witnesses.

  • czarofmischief

    A wedding, or a marriage, is a legal contract performed by officials - like ministers who have to register with the government in order to be able to perform it, they also have to fill out a form and send it in to the state.

    It's only religious if you insist upon it.


  • Love_Truth

    As to what the WTC believes, I can't answer, nor do I care to. However, here is a reasonable expalnation for doing so in any religion.

    There are two definitions of marriage:

    1)-The "religious" marriage, wherein a man and a woman are joined together in a loving (obviously, such unions could be non-loving as well, for numerous reasons) monogamous relationship, first instituted by God. No pomp or ceremony is necessary although such usually accompanies the marriage. Ideal definition- two heterosexuals who love one another and make the commitment to live with one another monogamously.

    2)- The "legal" marriage, wherein a man and a woman are joined together in a (loving or not) monogamous relationship in the eyes of the Government.

    So, in the eyes of God, it's possible to have 1 without the other.

  • dustyb

    ...if you have to register to conduct a wedding, then isn't that being involved in politics?

  • Funchback


    That very question has bothered me, too. It's illogical from a religious standpoint.

  • blondie
    ...if you have to register to conduct a wedding, then isn't that being involved in politics?

    Not any more than taking a written test and driving test to get a drivers license Not any more than applying for a building permit to build a house Not any more than getting a license to cut hair, practice medicine Blondie

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