Unfortunately, in my experience not. Even most of the elders I have met have a poor knowledge of what the Society teaches. Some basic questions will still get "mature" ones scratching their heads.
Please suggest any doctrinal questions and at some point (if I get time) I will put together the top ten into one of those internet quiz things to rate your JW awareness. Only thing is Blondie is sure to get 100% right and spot any errors in the questioning at a glance!
1. Will the people who died in the Flood be resurrected?
2. Will the people who died in Sodom and Gomorrah be resurrected? (My guess here is a poor pass rate, even though it was dealt with in the school only recently)
3. When did Christ begin ruling over the Christian congregation 33CE, 1914 or 1919?
4. Did Christ begin ruling over the heavens in 1914? (Remember God has always been sovereign)
5. Did Christ begin ruling over the earth in 1914?
6. When does the 1,000 year commence from; 1914 or after Armageddon?
7. When did/does the marriage of the lamb take place, 1914, 1918, 1919 or after Armageddon when all the 144,00 are gathered to even.
8. What is the 3rd heaven that Paul referred to in 2 Cor. 12:2?
9. What is the explanation of John's gospel account that indicates that Jesus died before the Passover but the other gospels say he he celebrated the Passover in the evening and died the next afternoon, i.e. he died on Passover day?
10. Why does the Bible term Lot as righteous even though he committed incest with both his daugthers?