Bible "seminar'

by Carmel 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Carmel

    Last night I attended a "seminar" put on by the 7th Day Adventists. Its been decades since I've attended a 7 Day Adventist meeting, but decided I would go see if they have come out of the 19th centrury yet. Alas, still the same stuff. Claiming the bible is unique, that no other scripture has "prophecies" and that you need to have a "teacher" to understand the bible. Oh did this sound familiar. Since I have a daughter-in-law from Muslim background and one from Sihk, both of which talk about prophecies in the Koran and Sihk text, and having read the prophecies of the return of the 5th Buddha, it wasn't the best way for him to start the evening. I wanted to ask the speaker if in his "guiding" us through prophecy, he thought he was "usealing" the books, but alas, the audience is not allowd to comment or ask questions..

    Going again tonight to listen to the "thief in the night" story. Wonder how that will get twisted...


  • galaxy7

    I went to a 7th day class and they were teaching vegetarian cooking. very interesting I enjoyed it alot

  • bikerchic
    I went to a 7th day class and they were teaching vegetarian cooking. very interesting I enjoyed it alot

    Now there ya go IF they had cooking classes I might even go, or get Craig to go.

    BTW Carmel love the picture in your avatar, looks remarkably like you!


  • Carmel

    Thanks Chicky! A few more silver hairs now! Re: the 7th D, they do have a lot of good things about health and that was brought up last night too! When I was in my searching phase, I looked into the Mormons and Adventists specifically because of their healthy family and living habits. Found out the Mormons were't really that healthy when it came to diet, but monday night family nights seemed like a good idea. Both fell short of my doctrinal requirements at the time. Stil do.


  • Mulan

    Dave's family were 7th Day Adventists until they became JW's, when he was 15. He says he sees way too many similarities......................he thinks the JW's were attractive to his mother so she could eat bacon again and drink coffee.

  • ozziepost
    the JW's were attractive to his mother so she could eat bacon again and drink coffee

    Now that's what you call being practical!

    But better not tell the 'brothers" or they'll make it a front-cover on the next mag.!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Carmel

    Geeze! I never thought of the bacon and eggs angle! I'll have to think about that one. I do remember the sisters sure could make great angel food cakes!


  • barry

    Being an SDA myself let me comment.

    Carmel youre going to the wrong meetings they will all be on their best behaviour there because that meeting is to get converts. If you want to go to something where everyone can be themselves and talk freely go to what they call sabbath school before the sermon on saturday and if its a good group there may be some lively discussion.

    50% of adventists practice "Health Reform' and that 50% according to studies have an increase in lifespan by 8 years. The 50% not practiceing ;Health Reform" were found to have a livespan similar to the rest of the community. Barry

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