Who has received an official invitaion to the memorial? Who invited you?

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 8 Replies latest jw friends


    As a fader I still get the occassional dub visit. It is very rare but I guess at this time of the year it is to be expected!

    As I was out in the garden yesterday a brother and his family drive up in their very expensive car on their return from rural witnessing. We all had a pleasant chat while they sat in the car and I sat on the lawn. After all the niceties the brother (who I like because he has always been very kind and respectful) handed me an invitation to the memorial. He said he missed us and would love to see us there.I took it and thanked him. We ended the visit with smiles and laughs................big wave and a bye!

    What about you? Any relatives trying to save you? Encourage you? Blackmail you?

    Cheers, Bliss

  • talesin

    Please come to the Memorial, I save a seat for you every year ....

  • Mulan

    One of the elders called about 3 weeks ago to give me the date. I didn't reply in the way he expected, so he said they would see about getting my mother there. I thanked him. He had said it was later this year, and I agreed with him. I guess he expected me to say I was coming, or not coming.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Please come.

    There'll be snacks and refreshments!

    [speaking with mouth stuffed full]

    "Christ! This is a good matzoh!"

  • Mulan
    There'll be snacks and refreshments!

    That reminds me of get togethers with friends, after the Memorial, where we could hardly stand it until we all got some red wine, and wheat crackers to munch.

  • minimus

    3 elders and 1 pioneer (my mother)

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Last week the CO visited the local congregation. He and one of the elders (one of the only ones who we consider a decent guy) made an appointment to visit Rocky while I was at work. It was a short visit, friendly...didn't get the results they wanted. They didn't invite us to Memorial. It's okay, tho...I'm finally over the worry that will strike me for not going! - Mrs Rocky

  • Mysterious

    I'm sure mom will get around to me eventually.

  • Hapgood

    So far no invite. But there's still 4 weeks left. Last year was the first year that I didn't go to the memorial, so maybe they think I'm a lost cause. I can only hope.


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