Of all the statements they make its when they make reference to them self's as Jehovah. When they discuss in the their publication about apostates rebelling against Jehovah. No rather its against some of the teaching of Jehovah's Witness's, but of course they don't see it that way do they. I see that as rather haughty and blasphemous given they are not prophets, but they continue behaveing like one. I am sure he enjoys that, NOT.
What perturbs me most about the Governing Body.
by Cheetos 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
How about how I used to blast "false religion" for covering up sexual abuse, reading "revelation, it's grand bullshit is at hand!", whilst the botchtower morons would cover up child abuse WORSE than "false" religion.
I will never forgive them for pulling the wool over my eyes.
Governing Body= Pharisees
Too many similarities. They look all nice and clean on the outside,,,,,,,nice suits, clean cut, shiney shoes,,,,,but are evil , on the inside just like the Pharisees were.
They care more about keeping their positions, keeping their way of life , money than to care about the people they try to govern.
They will lie, go to extreame measures to cover up all the horrible things they have done, at the expense of the victims,,,,, I think of the fancy high dollar lawyers they send to handle the child abuse cases.
They are bloodguilty.....for the brothers in Malawi,,,,,and what is worse is they were hypocrites about it and did even worse than the brothers did in Malawi . They change their rules according to what they want to have done, or to cover up.
They want to take away basic bible teachings , such as worshipping Jesus , praying to him, etc. and want to give us a list of who gives a crap anyway in the grand scheme of things , idiotic rules. No smoking, no birthdays, no Christmas,,,,things that we should decide on our own.
I personally hold the higher ups for the many suicides of the brothers and sisters who were so down trodden by all their rules , which they couldnt live up to and decided that they couldnt bear it anymore. I know so many of the suicides thought that Jehovah/God didnt love them anymore, and they would never be forgiven for some of the things they would do. Some, especially very young ones, teens, would rather take their own lives , than face the wraft of their elder fathers, or be publicially humiliated for mistakes they many have made according to JW rules.
I will rejoice on the day the WT crumbles down .........but there will be no real satisfaction , or joy, over the lives they have already taken, and for the lives of those they ruined by their lies.
The joy will come because, at least others will not be lead astray, and suffer as so many have and are suffering. I feel sorry for most of the rank and file JW's ,,,they don't have a clue, they are miserable and they will never find true happiness. They try to keep the motions up of being happy but inside too many are so depressed and it is not a few in the congregation, it is most of them.Shame on you WT, Shame, Shame, Shame.
Lyin eyes,
You're right. Shame on them.
If they weren't so haughty and would at least apologize and say that they did wrong things, then you could at least forgive them. Well, they "haven't" done anyting wrong, in they're opinion. Just like a pharisee would do. They just come out with denials, denials, saying that they didn't know about it, etc.
How about just one apology? ?The Catholic Church has done it; why not the botchtower? Are they above human compassion? Above human understanding?
I guess pharisees don't need to have human compassion. It sounds like Pharisees in Jesus time were much more open and kind to others than the governing blobby.
It is quiet scarey , to know that I was in a religion that was lead by such men.
As you said Shamus, they deny any wrong doing at all. I have respect for the Catholic church for at least going public and saying,,,,,,,,,Yes we have a problem, a serious problem. You didnt hear all the victims that were molested in the Catholic churches,,,called liars as a whole, as the WT has done to the JW victims.
It made me just sick to read in one of the post in the last few weeks , where the JW lawyers just denied that the child molester had any postion in the congregation,,,,,,,,,therefore they are not responsible,,,,gag gag puke. That was a lie,,,,,,,,the man was a MS, and that is a position of authority....oh how they like to change what their terms , their words means to suit their purpose.
I am quite sure that such evil, has but one source,,,,,,,the Devil. They are Satan's pawn for sure, because they lie, and lie and lie. And all the while,,,,,,,,trying to be "angels of light" themselves.
Good gravey, I have been on a rage all day about this. But with the Letter from the UN,,,,,,,,it really is starting to show that real truth is coming out and the GB's bill will come due ..........very soon!!!
Hate the lies--not just the religious doctrinal ones, which they may or may not believe. But mostly hate the coverups and the lying about the coverups. .
After reading all the WT and the UN stuff , I wonder if and when it becomes general public knowledge what will the average JW think? Will they be disgusted? or will they think this is it!!! The UN is turning on the JWs!!! this is one of the final signs of the end!!! Think they were be scattering in many directions, but some may totally flip out thinking the time has finally come.
I only ever met a few members of the governing body and I wasn't particularly impressed with any of them. Since I don't know any of them personally, I can't say whether they're lying hypocrites or not. For all I know they sincerely believe the nonsense they spew. Either that or a lot of them could be in denial. Like a smart person once said, "no one is more blind than someone who doesn't want to see."
I guess what perturbs me the most about the GB is their claim to be the sole channel of communication and direction, the mediator between God and man. In case I'm mistaken, isn't that Jesus' job?
But let's face it, the JW's and their predecessors have had some awfully messed up leaders through out history. From what I've read: Russell was insane; Rutherford was an egomaniac; Knorr and Franz tried to legitimize the lunacy of their formers but only succeeded in messing things up worse. So are the current GB really any worse then the leaders that came before them?
At best I think the GB are ignorant fools. At worst I think they're (morally and criminally) culpable in the deaths of countless thousands who refused blood transplants and organ donations because of direction from the GB.