Dreams about the BORG & The word Jehovah

by Larry 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    I've been gone from the BORG (Organization) for about seven years now, and I'm as anti BORG as they come, but for some strange reason, recently, I keep dreaming about the time I started drifting away from the BORG. The dreams places me in the back of the KingDumb Hall attending either the first or second half of the Sunday meeting. Whenever the meeting was over I would get up and leave. But in the dream I kept doing this for years when in reality I only did it for a few months. Even in the dream I'm asking myself "what am I still doing attending this meeting?" It's all just so weird. Anyway, do any of you have dreams about still being in the BORG? And what is the reason you think you still have these dreams?

    Also, I hate using the name Jehovah (it's even difficult for me to type). Do any of you feel the same way about that name.

    Larry :)

  • Gopher

    Occasionally in a dream, I'll find myself inside a Kingdom Hall. I haven't been inside one in over 3 years now, but I did go there all my life till age 39.

    Weird things from your past do come into dreams, it's a fact of life. I'm now physically impaired and cannot walk unaided, but in my dreams I can always walk or even run.

    I guess the brain is connecting old and new things together unconsciously, to help us make sense of the conscious world.

    JEHOVAH -- to me it's just another name. It's the word "witness" that gives me a creepy feeling, and of course the whole phrase "Jehovah's Witness" doubly so.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I have been out for 20 years and have NEVER had any kind of dream. The JW teachings are no different than other religious teachings; Greek Mythology ( which I prefer) or Catholicism or any other to me.. They have no relevance or influence over me or my current life. No regrets. Good riddance.....

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    but for some strange reason, recently, I keep dreaming about the time I started drifting away from the BORG.

    ...I'm as anti BORG as they come, ...

    ...Also, I hate using the name Jehovah


    I think that Franklin nailed it:

    The JW teachings are no different than other religious teachings; Greek Mythology ...They have no relevance or influence over me or my current life.

    I'd imgine a love and belief in something can be influencing just as a hatred for something can beb influencing.

    Love and hate are both strong feelings,

    I'd say that you may still possibly be under the influence of the WTS more than is necessary, like many of us are here.

    If you were not still heavily influenced by the WTS, then you likely wouldn't hate the name Jehovah anymore than the name Zeus.

    This is not to say that we are not 'impacted' by our experience. But it shouldn't invoke a strong feeling like 'hate'.

    just my $0.02

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    It's the drugs larry, it's the drugs.

    cheeses - who recognises that LSD and alcohol is not a good mix.

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