I've been gone from the BORG (Organization) for about seven years now, and I'm as anti BORG as they come, but for some strange reason, recently, I keep dreaming about the time I started drifting away from the BORG. The dreams places me in the back of the KingDumb Hall attending either the first or second half of the Sunday meeting. Whenever the meeting was over I would get up and leave. But in the dream I kept doing this for years when in reality I only did it for a few months. Even in the dream I'm asking myself "what am I still doing attending this meeting?" It's all just so weird. Anyway, do any of you have dreams about still being in the BORG? And what is the reason you think you still have these dreams?
Also, I hate using the name Jehovah (it's even difficult for me to type). Do any of you feel the same way about that name.
Larry :)