Any 1975 Profiteers you know of?

by prologos 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • prologos

    After the Indian Ocean Tsunami, a brother with a budding real estate empire on the island floated the idea that people should sell their ocean-front properties, (he would oblige), before the coming Big One, and they would fall even lower in price. lol.

    Do you know any happy buyers in the pre-1975 era that are now sitting pretty? - In our old neighbourhood, 3 families actually build new houses, lakefront , 30 mile views in 'needgreater' areas, and in rising markets could not fail.

    any upbeat observations/ histories  on using wt predictions that are sure to fail, past or future to one's advantage? 

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    About the only example I can recall was a brother who sold up his farm during those pre-1975 years (1973, to be exact). That property was located on some prime agricultural land in a rich farming district (the locals used to have a saying about that deep alluvial soil and how it would grow just about anything - "even grand pianos.")

    When this particular farm was sold, the consensus was that it had been let go at close to a "fire sale" price.

    Other than that, it did not escape unnoticed that certain others who also owned big farms appeared to have no interest at all in parting with those lucrative sources of income (and farming was a very profitable business in the years I am talking about). Noteworthy, though, that they (or at least their descendants) are still "in the Truth"

    - whereas that brother who let his place go for a song had a long battle with the brown bottle in the years post-1975.


  • prologos

    Bungi Bill, there was no 1975 profiteer in that story, unless the buyer of the farm was 'in on' the 75 prediction and snickering about it. 

    I heard of "friends" buying big ticket item on credit, expecting never to have to pay it back but expecting to enjoy the short time pre-75 pleasure, only to have to abscond on the debt later. Would be 75 profiteers. 

    added. There is money to be made in 'futures'. you know wt predictions will be false, so hedge your bets. 

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    unless the buyer of the farm was 'in on' the 75 prediction and snickering about it. 

    He was!


  • prologos

    BB As an observer I believe this might be the untold story of the 1975 affair ( 'a faire', from the french "to do"), the many fortunes made, lives that took it turn to the right , both politically and financially profitable. 

  • zeb
    There is an area known to Sydney-siders as 'Jehovahs Hill'. When the 29 depression hit a lot pf people were caught unable to pay off homes. A number of jw arrived on the scene with money and bought up  homes for a fraction of their worth. Fine christian act ..not!. No its not '75 but the attitude of making up from another demise has been around for long time.
  • prologos
    zeb, thank you, not all profit is bad, For many the situation and fall-out of the 1975 reality had a positive outcome, shook them out of the wt daze. 

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