Does anyone know anything about this seven-page document submitted to an Enquete Commission concerning ?The Future of Civic Activities?
It is interesting that the Watchtower, on their media site, used the phrase ?in response to an Enquete Commission demand?.
I suspect that their NGO status had something to do with the requirement to submit this document.
What follows is some text and several links to information concerning this matter. I have also included a very rough translation, (from German to English), of the document.
First, on May 11, 2001, in response to an Enquete Commission demand, Jehovah's Witnesses submitted a document containing their viewpoint on the subject "The Future of Civic Activities." In that seven-page document they stated: "The necessity of voluntary commitment for fellow humans is deepened through Christian understanding. Religious service and civil commitment therefore are directly associated . . . [Jesus] Christ himself emphasized the unselfish giving that is to be expressed by not expecting any service in return."
The statement of the religious community can be retrieved from the Internet under the following address: kir.html [dead link]
The link on the media site does not work. The following is a good link to the document in German.
Civic Activities: Towards a Civil Society with a Future
Summary of the Study Commission´s Report
Not sure what the following links are. Some may be unrelated. I copied them while trying to find info on this subject.
Interesting article containing a reference to one of the UN support articles in the Awake.
Volunteerism as Democratic Expression
We once read an ?Awake Magazine? handed to us by one Jehovah?s Witness in a bus stop. That was in July 2001. The main caption of the monthly magazine was ?Volunteers: Can they make a difference?? Before this time, we have had the gut feeling to dislike materials published by the Jehovah?s Community. We could not assume that we had never been influenced to sneer at their ways of argument and religious claims. But in this particular edition, it captured our attention in somewhat old thing in a new notion and parlance. So with unusual passion to know, we read every sentence of the magazine from the cover-page to the back-page. Not only did we find the excellent research and insights put forward in the said magazine so fascinating but we also realized that reading every piece of material that may come ones way can in many cases help diminish and eradicate ignorance.
Just curious as to what all this is about. If anyone else has looked into this, please let me know.
Here is the rough translation of the 7-page document to English.
Statement of Jehovas a Witness to the Enquete commission?
Zukunft the Buergerschaftlichen commitment?
Voluntary commitment in people picture and self understanding
humans as creation of God
Jehovah?s Witnesses are coined/shaped in its daily acting of their Biblical conception, which understands humans as direct creation of a personal God. From the first pair of people a mankind family should develop, the earth was entrusted to which, in order it for all humans to a paradise dwelling to arrange (Bible book Genesis 1,27.28; 2,15 1 ). Each humans are God as his creation valuable (Bible books John 3,16; 1. Timothy 2,4); everyone God with love meets regardless of its origin, race or skin color (Bible book Acts 10.34,35), so that all should have a close personal relationship to it as base of life (Bible book Acts 17.26,27). On this basis each person earns attention, respect and love as creation of God.
From it a responsibility of the personal lebensfuehrung results in relation to God (Bible books Galations 6,4.5; Romans 14,12). The personal relationship to God will for the motivation of each particular to take responsibility in relation to its fellow man and the environment. This understanding is inherent in however also the matter of course that each commitment determines and answers for voluntarily effected, as each individual kind and extent of its active becoming (more?Jeder gives like it is in its heart planned, ungrudgingly and not under obligation; because God loves a merry giver?, Bible book 2 Corinthians 9,7).
Christian people
The necessity of voluntary commitment for fellow humans is deepened through Christian understanding. Religious service and civil commitment therefore are directly associated (?Du are to love your next one like you?, Bible book Matthew 22,39; we want? are connected particularly however, those do all humans of property to those with us in the faith?, Bible book Galatians 6,10; someone fortunes has and its heart before the brother locks, whom it sees in emergency, as can the God love in it remain??, Bible book 1. Johannes 3,17; pure and immaculate service before God, the father, consists of it: to provide for orphans and widows, if they are in emergency?, Bible book Jakobus 1,27).2 fulfillment and sense in the life lie thus in joyful serving opposite its fellow men (Bible book Acts 20.35). Christ himself emphasized the unselfish giving that is to be expressed by not expecting any service in return (Bible book Matthew 10.8).
From their faith understanding the individual Jehovah?s Witnesses seize the initiative, in order to help others. Since the motivation justifies itself in the Religionist of the particular, voluntary commitment takes place usually spontaneously, individually and on personal level, from humans to humans. Jehovah?s Witnesses do not regard it as task of the religious community to institutionalize such voluntary commitment. Nevertheless for the implementation by projects, which require a multiplicity of volunteers, by the religious community an appropriate organizational framework is made available.
1 all quotations are taken from the unit translation of the holy writing, Stuttgart 1980.
2?Warum one should worry about others??, in: Peace and security? To find as real?, Being awake tower company (Hg), Selters/Ts. 1986, P. 163-174.
However individual Jehovah?s Witnesses operate in own initiative institutions such as z. B. Homes for the elderly or are often in the public interest helpful occupations actively (approx. 25-30% of the employed Jehovah?s Witnesses). 3
The most important service at the next one begin in the family as the fundamental component of the human society. Many the state and the society loading problems are based on the fact that in the families social responsibility and welfare service are not any longer carried out. The promotion of strong family federations and high stops associated values is an important contribution for stability in state and society. Responsibility for the family and in the family to carry is an elementary component of the Christian self understanding. (more?Wer however for his relatives, particularly for the own fellow tenants, does not provide, denied thereby the faith and is not worse than a disbelieving?, Bible book 1. Timotheus 5.8.) Therefore it is an important request of the religious community to strengthen the families.
The religious community makes free of charge on the basis voluntary commitment manufactured documentation available (magazines, books, audio and video cassettes) over topics up-to-date. Values will turn like conjugal loyalty and the responsibility of parents for the promotion of the well-being of the children hervorgehoben. 4
In families of a Jehovah?s Witness parents therefore much time and strength up? often through renouncement of professional activity and career chances?, in order to educate their children. An important aspect is thereby the providing for a good training and professional training of the children. Common activities of the family promote the co-operation. By intensive discussions is helped to the children to recognize and also notice their responsibility opposite their fellow men. This is supported by special publications. The family responsibility concerns thereby not only the parents child relationship, but includes also the providing for frail ones and old persons within the family. Necessarily becoming support of family members is therefore carried out in the families themselves. That has an accommodation in age in the past also to public acknowledgment gefuehrt.5
3 more?Wer as many had an accident to the life returned as the Wiggerl, is a grateful object for medals and decorations... The?Gruene cross? the alpine association, the olympia memory medal, the decoration of the German red cross, the putting cross and naturally the Order of Merit of first class. The Green the cross made it happy at most. It for ten living person salvages lent... More will never have itself to strive humans for others in such a way, for others to so often strive in such a way will have, its own life will as often begin, in order to save or save others, as it?, DAV, 6/97, S. 456.
4?Moralische values on the retreat?, the Biblical moral the best??, in: The being awake tower, 1 November 2000, S. 3-7.; family? For humans indispensably?, in: The being awake tower, 1 April 1998, S. 6ff.; more?Wer the children will protect??, in: Awake!, 8. April 1999, S. 8f.; more?Miteinander talk? an art?, in: Awake!, 8. April 1995, S. 15-18.; child from earliest childhood educate?, in: The secret of the family luck, 1996, P. 56-58, with the requests: model its... A companion its... An interlocutor its... A teacher its?; prospects for old humans??, Christians honour older ones?, interests of the older ones?im eye? keep? as well as?Gottergebenheit in handling betagten parents?, in: The being awake tower, 1 June 1987, P. 1-18; more?Fuer betagten parents ensure?, needs of parents find out? and?Mit the daily loads become finished?, in: Awake!, 8. February 1994, P. 1-10; responsible task of the care?, handling the feelings? as well as?Beistand for the maintaining? Like others to help can?, in: Awake!, 8. February 1997, P. 1-13; with Alzheimer?, became the patient protects? and?Was maintaining to do can?, in: Awake!, 22. September 1998, P. 1-13. (all publications were published by the being awake tower company.) Helene writer the Order of Merit received
5 to the hand of mayor Gerd Kaimer, which made the honour on behalf of the Federal President [ novel duke ], to gang. The 74jaehrige cares for selbstlos and under large employment for nearly 20 years a mentally handicapped in its hometown part of Ohligs. By its commitment it help their?Pflegesohn? to a high measure of independence and thus also to an independent occupation... Helene writer, member of the Jehovah?s Witnesses and also there very engaged, thanked you itself for their part with a book concerning the religious community? (Solinger day sheet, 22 October 1994; s. Jehovas a witness? Humans from the neighbourhood. Who are they?, 1995, P. 5). care with the Distinguished Service Cross appreciative. Gertrud and Herbert Wilker care for seriously ill son over 40 years day and night... They drew, stressed strength the nut/mother, also from their faith as Jehovas a witness? (Westfaeli round rundschau, Werdohl, 28 January 2000).
or nursing homes becomes only as last?Ausweg? regarded. Such a high value will follow this responsibility within the family attached that full-time of clergyman of the Jehovah?s Witnesses give her service up, in order to maintain parents.
The responsibilities in the family, represented here, exist independently of whether the other family members are likewise or were a Jehovah?s Witness.
Service at the next
Jehovah?s Witnesses see themselves as community within the responsibility, for their faith members in the medical case to ensure in the case of a handicap or at the age. This is expressed within the domestic range thereby that members of the municipality provide for the daily needs of the concerning e.g. meals purchases, flashes of the dwelling and travels to the physician. This responsibility developed Jehovas also in relation to neighbors, teammates and other acquaintance gesehen.6
Over someone, which needs stationary hospital treatment to make an optimal medical supply possible a witness a world-wide network of hospital connecting committees (1,400 committees in over 150 countries; in Germany 55 committees with approx. 4,400 physicians co-operate). These committees sit down from trained and experienced? transact due to voluntary commitment? A Jehovah?s Witness together, which become active the patient as connecting persons between physician and patient when desired. Beyond that they arrange medical information about treatment alternatives without blood for the interested physician. Thus, the authority gap between physician and patient is tried to verkleinern.7
Groups of hospital attendance furnished by the religious community also cares for the patient in seelsorgerischer and practical regard. The completion of provisions covers itself up to the support of foreign family members, often under supply of free accommodations with faith members in the proximity of the hospital, making available for it.
Beside the practical assistance represented above also intensive seelsorgerische support is carried out. All religious offices are noticed free of charge. The range of the voluntary commitment in the Seelsorge reaches fewer hours from the employment over the reduction of the professional activity up to the full-time activity. Seelsorgeri support becomes in particular the following person's groups assigns: Families, a parents families, psychologically patients (beside professional assistance), blind ones, gehoerlosen ones, widows and orphans, arrested (Gefaengnisseelsorge). On their needs cut publications like the hearing Bible, literature in large pressure and in Braille, video in the bearing language as well as the synchronous translation of God-official meetings into the bearing language supplement these services at the next one.
6?Wenn is engaging itself for others runs Regina Hannelore Dohrn, if it must be, doors. It is not located so gladly in the footlights...?Es is worthwhile oneself to use itself honorary?, stresses Regina Dohrn. in addition, invested much time, has much joy? ... it engages itself with the Jehovah?s Witnesses. Where always you open a field, she notices it. one its civic obligations seriously takes, belongs to it to use itself for others?, does their maxim read? (Brunsbuetteler newspaper, 11 July 1998). Wiggerl was however not only inventor and technical designer (42 patents run on its names), it all these devices also in series built. There was actually no situation, in which humans assistance required and the Wiggerl would not have known advice. if disappointment and emergency help to award courage lindern, were its life contents?, DAV, 6/97, S.456.
7 see among other things. Dr. med. Barbara Zieger et aluminium, university clinic Freiburg, monthly review child medicine, volume of 145, NR. 10, October 1997, P. 1079; The Royal college OF Surgeons OF England, code OF Practice for the Surgical management OF Jehovah?s Witnesses, 1996, P. 5; Dr. Richard K. Spence?Surgical talk Blood Cell Transfusion Practice Policies?, in: The American journal OF Surgery, consensus Conference: Blood management Surgical Practice Guidelines, Neuaufl., volume of 170, NR. Ã (Suppl.), December 1995, S. 14Sf.; Professor Dr. med. Benno of boron man, director/conductor of the hospital for Anaesthesiologie, operational intensive medicine and pain therapy, pc. Johannes hospital Duisburg, AINS, volume of 31, NR. 8, October 1996, P. 489; Dr. jur. Elmar Biermann, Justiziar of the professional association of German Anaesthesisten, Anaesthesist, volume of 42, NR. 3, March 1993, P. 199.
The possibility is open to everyone of receiving for the accomplishment from concerns and problems free individual seelsorgerische support. Religious services take place just as free of charge with baptism, wedding celebrations, death/funerals. Large commitment within the religious community is furnished also regarding assistance in the everyday life e.g. with unemployment, removal, care of children, authority courses, renovation and garden work including financial allowances to needy ones.
Besides Jehovah?s Witnesses furnish also voluntary commitment in the context of assistance in emergencies and belonged for others the public interest helpful Projekte. 8 to it also the building of kingdom Kingdoms of (Anbetungsstaetten of the Jehovah?s Witnesses), which are established by voluntary commitment (alone in the new Lands of the Federal Republic in the past years of 126 halls).
By the close co-operation in the religious community one corresponds to the human need on acknowledgment, security, personal allowance. Particularly on the needs by socially weaker ones e.g. older ones, frail ones, however-educating, unmarried one, widows as well as foreigners consideration is taken. It is made certain that they are merged into religious and social activities. Many families of a Jehovah?s Witness refer concerning into the own family also and take in this way social responsibility. Jehovah?s Witnesses are the opinion that this personal and individually adapted assistance the needs of the concerning becomes better fair than rather impersonal institutionalized assistance.
This intact social community made possible not only the dialogue between the generations and thus mediating traditional values, but works against also splintering the society in groups of interests (e.g. youth, seniors, foreigners) and the associated Ausgrenzung. This serves besides the fight against problems arising in the society such as Vereinsamung, foreigner discrimination and craze problems.
An Asian proverb means: you for one year plan, sow seeds; if you plan for ten years, plant trees; do you plan for one hundred years, do instruct people? Many today's social problems are to be attributed to the fact that mental values are missing. Social compatible and social responsible acting will have to be found only, where thinking humans is based on appropriate value conceptions. Jehovah?s Witnesses put large value accordingly in the context of its voluntary commitment on the switching of values, those the social responsibility as task of life of a Christian stressed as well as ethical values such as honesty, consideration, attention of the public property and the property of others as well as force liberty and tolerance opposite other-thinking one. Thus Jehovah?s Witnesses contribute to the solution of social problems, like criminality, hatred of foreigners, craze prevention (drug craze, alcoholism, smoking) and Vandalisms. Beyond that important virtues mediated among other things diligence, by
8?Im July 1997, when inundated the or far areas of Northern Europe, heard Jehovas a witness in Germany of the emergency of humans in neighbouring Poland... Individual witnesses into and around Berlin showed a marvelous generosity and brought together within fewer days freiwillige donations at a value of more than 200,000 Marks. Jehovah?s Witnesses with farmer driving drove six hours from Berlin into the flood area around Wroclaw (Breslau), and at own expense. In the entire area concerned houses and kingdom halls were arranged of a Jehovah?s Witness. And also one did not survey the andersglaeubigen neighbours. They estimated it much that at its houses likewise much was done? (awake!, 8. October, 1998, P. 10; see also?Zeugen Jehovas helped in Krapkowice?, in: Focus, prince forest, November 1997, P. 2; Jehovas from castle helped in Poland damaged by flood one?, in: Voice of the people, Burger round rundschau, 30 September 1998, P. 12). In Hamburg Barmbeck for example because of missing budgetary appropriations some Jehovah?s Witnesses in selfinitiative in a hospital reconditioned a hospital ward (Hamburg evening papers, 8 February 1992, P. 11; ebd., 28 May 1996, P. 14). taken in Niederselters officially in enterprise... Due to an agreement between Selters and the being awake tower company the Jehovah?s Witnesses placed the specialists, the municipality took over the construction supervision and the circle placed the material? (Nassauer day sheet, 15 September 1995, P. 13).
to provide own work for own needs and the needs of others. For these values Jehovas witnesses occur opposite all fellow citizens by the fact that they spread Bibles and Bible-explaining publications 9 and in the context of their Christian mission work holds personal conversations.
Working Jehovah?s Witnesses presupposes the readiness of the particular for voluntary commitment. All activities of the religious community is based on this voluntary and free commitment. Only voluntary commitment makes possible a developing of a close Christian community, which understands itself as solvent bad A shank, for their task in the mutual welfare service exists and in the assistance opposite others. Thus that this responsibility is noticed is furnished, a multiplicity of services, whose perception was demanded otherwise from the national social system.
Possibilities of the promotion voluntary commitment by the religious community of the Jehovah?s Witnesses
Exclusively by donations financed the work of the Jehovah?s Witnesses promotes voluntary commitment of the particular, by creating organizational basic conditions, which help the particular to bring in its readiness for voluntary commitment. In the religious and seelsorgerischen range this takes place via the mechanism of religious of offices, which can be dressed by Glaeubigen. With it training courses are connected by the religious community, in order to equip the concerning for the associated tasks, in particular for the seelsorgerische support. For other activities exist organizational precautions, which include appropriate training courses, how was already described above.
Who has the desire from the faith members to engage itself due to its religious motivation excluding and without vocational activity in the religious community the possibility has of occurring the medal-similar community of the special full time servants of the Jehovah?s Witnesses. For these the economic maintenance and lifelong supply are ensured according to the rules of the medal-similar community.
Further promotions are not intended and in opinion of the religious community also not necessarily, there the most important condition for voluntary commitment the motivation of the particular are with the deep desire, by voluntary commitment of its by it recognized responsibility before God and opposite its fellow men to follow to want. A such motivation is promoted by the religious community by the fact that they obtain Christian values. For this the religious community makes faith members and the public available Bibles and Bible-explaining publications free of charge, whose production is connected with substantial expenditure and large efforts.
Acknowledgment culture
The acknowledgment for voluntary commitment consists in the certainty to please God since the love for God and the next one is also the basis for the motivation of the particular. Voluntarily for others to engage sense and fulfillment in the life mediate themselves. Also the brought gratitude as well as the acknowledgment as active creditors on the part of
9 do not?Ist honesty no more in demand??, it means to be honest??, in: The being awake tower, 15 February 1988, P. 3-7; purge of the umgangsformen?, in: Awake!, 22. July 1994, P. 3-6; before others and before their property?, in: Peace and security? To find as real?, P. 165-168; world does not come from smoking loosely?, a smoking give up?? and?Wie one it creates?, in: Awake!, 22. March 2000, P. 3-9; stop can be ordered?, in: The being awake tower, 15 June 1999, P. 4-7. (all publications were published by the being awake tower company.)
other members of the religious community works motivating. The knowledge, united a world-wide to belong itself from humans of all nationalities and races building up Christian religious community leads to deep satisfaction.
In contrast to it the acknowledgment is often missing by the society. At different times and for different reasons Jehovah?s Witnesses were even subject to resistance and pursuit. A tendencious?Sektendiskussion? finds its expression in negative reporting in the press, in the broadcast and television. Voluntary commitment will only not abqualifiziert, by being only called advertisement for the own faith, separate to often become the particular or the religious community large low intentions unterstellt.10 the disconcerted public rejects therefore often voluntary commitment of most different kind or obstructs it. Even national places have suddenly doubts, which continuation of the voluntary for many years commitment of a care nut/mother of far zuzulassen.11 not failed thereby the concerning only for many years the acknowledgment which is entitled for their self-sacrificing activity, but any further commitment is prevented. Also the processing of the past of the religious community in the?Dritten realm? by means of assumption of wrong motives substantial is obstructed. Not to be concealed the zuspruch and the acknowledgment of individual citizens, standing in contrast to it, are to employ, prejudiceless with the performed voluntary the commitment and their appreciation to the expression bringen.12
New one forms and projects
A constantly changing society and with it accompanying needs and problems require themselves adapted emphasis with the switching of the Christian values. More than ever the question arises, how the Bible coming of Christian values in our current society can be still realized.
Since as well as the basis for the commitment the motivation of the particular concerns volunteering its love for God and the next one and is independent of social changes, no necessity for changes of fundamental working results due to a carrying out social change. trade between Selters, the circle and the Jehovah?s Witness criticizes
10? (Nassauer day sheet, 30 March 1994); see Hans's Hessian (Hg)?Am most courageous were the witnesses Jehova again and again?, 2. Aufl. 2000, P. 327, 342; Free press, Chemnitzer newspaper, 12 June 1997; Michael Krenzer?Verfuehrte outsiders or discriminated against minorities? To differentiating handling the sparkling wine problem?, in: Primary school, number 12, December 1999, S. 19f.; offered use of videos, school materials and exhibitions is rejected; see Hans's Hessian (Hg)?Am most courageous were the Jehovah?s Witnesses again and again?, 2. Aufl. 2000, S. 326ff., 342, 416f., 419.; in November 1997 with solid pressure of parents it was prevented that an exhibition of the Jehovah?s Witnesses with the title?Standhaft despite pursuit? Jehovas a witness under the LV regime? in the six-form high school Gerolzhofen took place. As a substitute the city put however to area in the citizen hospital at the disposal (Schweinfurter day sheet, Gerolzhofen, No. 250, 30 October 1997, S. L 3; The riser forest messenger, No. 253, 4 November 1997, S. L 2; Schweinfurter day sheet, Gerolzhofen, No. 257, 8 November 1997, S. L 4; The riser forest messenger, No. 259, 11 November 1997, S. L 1; ebd., No. 260, 12 November 1997, S. L 1; ebd., No. 275, 29. November 1997, S. L 2; Schweinfurter day sheet, Gerolzhofen, No. 275, 29 November 1997, S. L 5; The riser forest messenger, No. 277, 2 December 1997, S. L 2; ebd., No. 300, 31 December 1997, S. L 3; Main post office, people newspaper, No. 259, 11 November 1997, S. F 2, L 1; Main post office new LINE, 12 November 1997; ebd. 13. November 1997; Main post office, people newspaper, No. 270, 24 November 1997, S. L 3; Schweinfurter day sheet, Gerolzhofen, No. 275, 29 November 1997, S. L 5); Jehovas. Disputed handling victim role?, in: Hersfelder newspaper, No. 40, 17 February 1997, P. 3; Waldecki general ones, HNA, No. 40, 17 February 1997; to the exhibition in Stuttgart: Stuttgart messages, 29 February 1998, P. 22; Winnender newspaper, 29 January 1998; Fellbacher newspaper, 29 January 1998, P. 19; Waiblinger circle newspaper, NR. 23, 29 January 1998; Rem newspaper, 29 January 1998; Stuttgart newspaper, 24 January 1998, P. 29; Cannstatter newspaper. Untertuerkheimer newspaper, 26 January 1998, P. 4.
11?Zeugen Jehovas/Wachtturm society: A?vormoderne? religious community in the?modernen? Society??, in: The new Inquisitioren: Freedom of religion and faith envy, part of II, Gerhard Besier/Erwin K. Scheuch (Hg), 1999, P. 194.
12 Vgl. Hans's Hessian (Hg)?Am most courageous again and again were the Jehovah?s Witnesses?, 2. Aufl. 2000, P. 413, 416, 419; Guest book entries to the exhibition?Standhaft despite pursuit? Jehovas a witness under the LV regime?; to the exhibition in Bensheim: Jehovah?s Witnesses as?vergessene victims? the Nazis?, in: Bergstraesser indicator, 9 September 1997, P. 3; victims of the Nazis?, in: Mannheimer mornings, 9 September 1997.
One of the larger projects of the last years was the historical processing of the history of the Jehovah?s Witnesses in the?Dritten realm? by the itinerant exhibition?Standhaft despite pursuit? Jehovas a witness under the LV regime?, accompanied of topic evenings with time witnesses and video demonstrations. Many persons of the public life expressed themselves appreciative over it that this processing makes a valuable contribution to awake stops of consciousness to this dark chapter of German history and that thereby dangers and mechanisms are made clear, the one such dictatorship made possible, and at the same time with the help of the time witnesses for young humans history becomes alive by learning contents
Will be possible for possibilities of the legal and political promotion
Voluntary commitment in the represented sense only if a broad organization clearance permits the most different forms of the commitment. Often the commitment requires Spontaneitaet and pragmatic proceedings, why voluntary commitment must remain legally unloaded. Adjustment or regimentation suffocates the selfinitiative of many. Voluntary commitment in the represented sense must be further free of charge possible.
As long as the state professes itself to the freedom of religion, what is expressed also in religious neutrality, it promotes also the commitment of the voluntary, who belong to a minority religion. The acknowledgment of this voluntary commitment, will lead to a dismantling of social resentments, which restricts at present the extent of the commitment. Then experiences, like an overcoming of discrimination of any kind, could have collected the Jehovah?s Witnesses in successful overcoming of social problems hatred of foreigners, fighting against craze problems, learning tolerance and attention opposite all humans as positive contribution in the social discussion entrance to find, by this in the form of lectures o. A. in the context of national and/or school meetings