BLOOD -- WTS Questions and Sound Answers 2
*** w69 6/1 326-7 Godly Respect for Life and Blood ***
"Some persons may reason that getting a blood transfusion is not actually "eating." But is it not true that when a patient is unable to eat through his mouth, doctors often feed him by the same method in which a blood transfusion is administered? Examine the scriptures carefully and notice that they tell us to ‘keep free from blood’ and to ‘abstain from blood.’ (Acts 15:20, 29) What does this mean? If a doctor were to tell you to abstain from alcohol, would that mean simply that you should not take it through your mouth but that you could transfuse it directly into your veins? Of course not! So, too, abstaining from blood means not taking it into our bodies at all.
*** g84 7/8 14 Does Refusing Medical Treatment Mean Refusing Life? ***
"In response, Dr. Macklin said: "We may believe very strongly this man is making a mistake. But Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that to be transfused is to ‘eat blood’ and that eating blood [may] result in eternal damnation.""
Does transfusing blood equate with eating blood? Answering this question presents a conundrum for the WTS because of what it teaches about human tissue transplantation. This answer also demonstrates the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses does not believe its own reasoning that transfusing blood equates with eating blood.
The WTS teaches that human tissue transplantation is not necessarily cannibalism because transplanting is not food consumption.(1) So the WTS does not equate transplantation with eating. However, the WTS also teaches that blood transfusion is a tissue transplant.(2)
So if members of the Governing Body really believed themselves that blood transfusion equates with eating blood then they would also have to believe that transplantation of human tissue is cannibalism. Since the WTS does not condemn human tissue transplantation as cannibalism then we know by its own teaching that the WTS does not wholeheartedly believe that blood transfusion equates with eating blood.
If Governing Body members seriously believed that transplantation of blood were eating blood then they would also teach that transplantation of any other human organ is cannibalism. So we see embodied in the WTS' own teaching a confession that they do not believe their own reasoning that blood transfusion equates with eating blood.
Marvin Shilmer
1. *** w80 3/15 31 Questions from Readers ***
"Christians today may feel that the Bible does not definitely rule out medical transplants of human organs. They may reason that in some cases the human material is not expected to become a permanent part of the recipient’s body. Body cells are said to be replaced about every seven years, and this would be true of any human body parts that would be transplanted. It may be argued, too, that organ transplants are different from cannibalism since the "donor" is not killed to supply food. In some cases persons nearing death actually have willed body parts to be used for transplants."
2. *** hb 8 Blood Transfusions-How Safe? ***
"When doctors transplant a heart, a liver, or another organ, the recipient’s immune system may sense the foreign tissue and reject it. Yet, a transfusion is a tissue transplant."