Two years ago a 'sister' was holding a formal (so she said) and it was passed on from one email to another in the online JW world. Each one was supposed to send in installment payments with the full amount for just the formal event being $100. A hundred perhaps even double signed up and began sending money to this 'sister'. Eventually she said the event was canceled because not enough people followed through on the final deposits so she said she couldn't afford to hold it.
I personally had paid my entire amount of $100 and I found out a lot of other 'brothers and sisters' had as well. She had promised that those who had not canceled and who had paid in full, would be reimbursed but not a dime was ever paid to any of us. Everytime I tried to bug her about my money back, she would close her email account.
so all this money was paid out.. and because she was a "SISTER" none of us could do anything about it..
we were duped, stolen from and used...
I still get pissed when I think about it..
have any of you ever been swindled by a JW, so that you were stuck on the bad end of the deal???