Were you ever conned by a JW financially??

by Sassy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Two years ago a 'sister' was holding a formal (so she said) and it was passed on from one email to another in the online JW world. Each one was supposed to send in installment payments with the full amount for just the formal event being $100. A hundred perhaps even double signed up and began sending money to this 'sister'. Eventually she said the event was canceled because not enough people followed through on the final deposits so she said she couldn't afford to hold it.

    I personally had paid my entire amount of $100 and I found out a lot of other 'brothers and sisters' had as well. She had promised that those who had not canceled and who had paid in full, would be reimbursed but not a dime was ever paid to any of us. Everytime I tried to bug her about my money back, she would close her email account.

    so all this money was paid out.. and because she was a "SISTER" none of us could do anything about it..

    we were duped, stolen from and used...

    I still get pissed when I think about it..

    have any of you ever been swindled by a JW, so that you were stuck on the bad end of the deal???

  • Stefanie

    Not directly but I knew a sister who would buy clothes that were marked down, then go around the congregation selling them at more than they were worth. She said she made good money that way. I hated her.

  • Sassy

    well.. at least she was giving them something for their money. They got the product that she was selling them.

  • Sassy

    well at least they got something for their money. They saw the product and wanted it and paid the agreed price. It wasn't like she offered them the product, took their money and then gave them nothing.. OR gave them something inferrior or different that what they thought they were getting.

  • Odrade

    Yep, I was suckered by a family I really really trusted, even though my gut instinct was telling me it was one of those "too good to be true" things. $1200--at a time when I could barely scrape together rent each month. Sad thing is I think they really believed that the "deal" would help me out eventually. But, they didn't make it right in the end, even though the family had the means. I never said anything either because of the whole "forgive your brother" thing.


  • Stefanie

    well.. at least she was giving them something for their money. They got the product that she was selling them.

    True. It was the thought of her taking advantage of her contact that was irritating. She said It was a good idea because the sisters trusted her anyways.

  • Larry

    Yes, I co-signed for this brother and he reneged on the payments. Initially, I never give it a second though as to whether he was going to make good on his promise - After all, we are all JDubs, he was in good standing. Only 'worldly' people do those unscrupulous things - Not.

    When I confronted him he was as humble as a lamb, but the damage was done. His false humility wouldn't help my credit report. Anyway, things turned out fine, and I learned a valuable lesson about co-signing.

    In hind sight, it was by fault for being so trusting of Jah's servants - J Dub or not, Co-Signing is a risky proposition.

    Interestingly, this was about the time the BORG came out with those financial articles about putting things in writing.

    PS - I heard of plenty of bus trips gone bad, where folks lost their money, only to be told something similar to what sassy was told - "we should just 'forgive' her and let it go..."

  • Carmel

    I never was, but my older brothers were always getting mixed up in some kind of business deal that would go sidewise..Lots of bad feelings amongst them. Don't know if they were just gullible or were equally responsible. I just remember some of the bitter discussions about brother so-and-so happened quite frequently. Myself, I've always been rather trusting until I took it in the shorts a few times. My last escapade was to buy ten grand worth of crude oil futures from a company in Florida. In spite of the prices going up I lost all but $500. Turns out the company was a scam and dissappeared like a mist when the sun rises.

    carmel of the wiser but poorer class

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