"Forget the trip to Rio, honey, I booked us a tour with BCT!"
I don't even know quite what to say about this.
by gitasatsangha 9 Replies latest jw friends
They even have wallpaper.
new light
"Um, yes, I'd like the Bethel Classic for two please. No, I haven't just received a blunt trauma to the head. Why do you ask?"
It's the vacation destination capital of the world!!!
How nice.
You get to go on Holidays? with your wife and you can't even sleep in the same bed.
Love, Scully
Went on a Bethel Tour on a bus from Arkansas to NYC in the early 90's. I had a lot of fun being with my friends, but the other JW's were way too annoying. One older brother from the Texarkana area told the lady who organized the tour, "The only way I'm getting back on that bus to go home is if Jehovah God Himself tells me to!" He flew back home.
Gita...the apostles did this in the first century as well
Tours of Jeruselam...get your Jesus souvineers, touch the sword that Peter used to cut off a mans ear, witness an actual excorcism as Paul expels a demon from a 12 yr old girl , 15 denari for a blessing of holy spirit......
Funny and sad how they commercialize everything!
I know someone who left the org. because of this tour. She said it was disgusting to see how luxurious the GB live and that there were hot tubs and expensive items at Bethel.
Phantom Stranger
Figures they'd be the kind of web site that tries to disable the back button on the browser...
and Jesus wept