I?ve been researching my ancestry in order to acquire my Cherokee Certificate of Degree on Indian Blood/Tribal Membership. In my research I discovered my great-grandfather x6 is Henry D. (Sequoia) GIST, who, ?Developed original Cherokee Indian alphabet?.
Is if this was not cool enough? I found that my blood line goes through many Kings and Queens, along with Civil War and War of 1812 inlisted, and was able to trace all the way to about 350 A.D.
My question is: Is it normal, with all the people on the earth today, to be related to these people? Or is it Okay to feel special?
My Blood Line:
Benjamin Speer POINDEXTER, 1 AUG 1862 Pvt. Civil War Company D, First Battalion, Texas Sharpshooters
Archibald Pledge POINDEXTER, Served in War of 1812 Muster roll, Surry County, NC.
Captain Thomas POINDEXTER III, JAN 1777 Enlisted in Militia list F-No 2, No 2044
Eufame WALLACE, Wallace of Riccarton (Separate line from William Wallace, within one cousin)
Lord Robert De Bruce VII SCOTLAND
Lord Robert De Bruce V SCOTLAND
William de Bruce (flourished 1191)
Robert de Bruce III (d. 1189?),
Robert de Bruce II
Robert de Bruce I
Henry I Beauclerc King of ENGLAND, fourth son of William the Conqueror
William I the Conqueror King of ENGLAND
Robert Capet II King of FRANCE
Hugh Capet King of FRANCE
Louis Carol V King of FRANCE
Louis Carol IV King of FRANCE
Charles Carol III King of FRANCE
Louis Carol II King of FRANCE
Charles II CAROL , King France / Charles I, king of France (843-77)
Louis I CAROL , King of France & Italy
Charlemange CAROL , King, Italy, Germany&France
Pepin CAROL , III The short King of France
Charles Martel Carolingian King of FRANKS
Pharomond King of Germany & FRANC, King 420-428
King of CIMBR